Fox Hosts Complain About SCOTUS Allowing NC And PA To Extend Ballot Deadlines: ‘Are You Kidding?’

“Fox and Friends” hosts Brian Kilmeade and Steve Doocy seemed to be feeling sour on Thursday morning over the Supreme Court’s latest rulings that allowed North Carolina and Pennsylvania to extend their deadlines for voters to return absentee ballots.

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Every vote cast by election day needs to be counted.

It’s not a difficult concept to understand.


FOX news, still carrying that water.


When your party is the Official Party of Voter Disenfranchisement, where do you go but down, down, down…?


I have to repost this
So typical
What say you F&F?

Interesting that if you go to The Conservative Twitter, they are on fire, Crime of the Century but then this;
The dog ate my conspiracy theory
It was digital to begin with so they printed it out and nobody copied it the digital version or scanned the documents they printed
Maybe Geraldo has it in Capones Vault


Yes, my first thought was, “so, they’re completely and utterly surrendering on Hunter-gate?” There’s just no other way for sentient beings to see this. Carlson (and Fox et al) are now trying to keep together any of their remaining perceived integrity, because they’re gonna need it as Joe Biden shows up Trump to be the utter disaster that he’s been.


I don’t understand why they’re upset. They are paid to bitch about things. If Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate, they’ll have a wealth of new things to bitch about. Their ratings will go through the roof.


“Why do you need extra days?”

Maybe they should have some soldiers stationed overseas on the show, so the foxers can explain to them their votes don’t actually count.


I’m generally a humanitarian. That’s why I hope that when Biden appoints Madame Defarge as retribution czar, he instructs her to keep the edge sharp, so as not to cause undue suffering


Rachel reported on drastically slower Postal turnarounds in key Democratic strongholds .

It’s taking longer than five days in most of PA.

No state puts their elections results to bed on Election night. It ALWAYS takes days, even weeks, to finalize many races.


WTF! Next thing you know, they’ll allow anyone standing in line when the polls officially close, to vote! IT’S CRAZY I TELZ YA!


You are too nice. If they have to stop and re-hone that edge, the process slows down. Then there is a back log. And it will take forever. And time is money. If we have to wait for all that time, then there is the cost of keeping, feeding and generally managing that back log. Logistics are always that little stumbling block everyone forgets. We need someone to do the time studies on this asap!.


Governor Wolf is urging all voters with mail-in ballots, that haven’t been returned yet, to take them directly to their county’s voters services office. He is telling Pennsylvanians to not trust the postal service at this late date.


FoxNews cries about the sun coming up even if they are not ready for it to.


And what about the Military
Many of their votes arrive here after the election day
Always have
Always will
Let’s shut them out It will be popular I’m sure.

And on a side note
If you mail your taxes as long as the postmark is before 4-15 at midnight , you’re good
noting that this year they pushed it back to July 15th
Their arguments against accepting the mail ins could be contained in a sieve


What I don’t understand about all the bitching about counting votes is: How do they know that they are not undercounting votes for THEIR side?

The stupid - it burns.


Fox News should be forbidden to air on US public airways! Or at least they should be required to display a message to alert the public they are consuming pure propaganda!


Doocy –

"the fact that every state has different rules”

Doocy answers his own question. He is just too thick to understand.


Tucker just realized that this could be like his fake ID in college … he could be asked to produce the documents … and it dawned on him that if they are fake … he could be in big trouble.


Well, I guess there can never be another recount again.