Fox Host On Trump Tax Ruling: Now SCOTUS Has Been Infiltrated By The ‘Deep State!’

o that is funny. I can’t wait to see all the guys running around in camo with big ass guns and a full-face makup job.


Now if we had only limited Trump’s maladministration to a centum of days, there would a lot more people alive right now.


Deep state, schmeep state.
Blather like this is such a shot in the dark, Dobbs can’t even get his conspiracies right: clearly, Hillary and Soros’ fingerprints are all over this action.


The real issue is by his statements is Lou Dobb’s a liar or does he have an IQ of less than 50?

That is Republicans have proven again and again that they only pretend to be stupid. Since the fall of Nixon, they have become really good at scheming, and making clear criminal activity never come under the rule of law.

That is the Supreme Court decision was a total win for Trump because it allows him to keep his financial records and ties secret until after the election and forces congress to go through a lengthy court process that will take years so long as Trump is president, (no doubt this court will “modify” its ruling should Biden win and there be a Republican House or Senate) and everyone with an IQ over 50 knows it.

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I agree. President Biden should start dismantling the Deep State by removing Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Boofin’ Bart.


My theory is conservatives nominate judges to do their bidding, which often is antithetical to the Constitution, the rule of law, or the concept of equal under the law.

But once their judges get on SCOTUS, lifetime tenure means they’re no longer necessarily accountable to the Federalist Society, but are to history in perpetuity, and many, though not all, are mindful of that.

There is no constitutional basis to deny same sex marriage or to place the President above the law, or disregard treaties signed in good faith with Native American tribes. To rule otherwise, as conservatives expect, would be to shred the rule of law.

Which is not to say conservatives haven’t gained undeserved victories. The whole concept of “religious freedom” is an abomination, as has been the wholesale destruction of voting rights, unions, and the allowance of big money in politics.

So it’s a balancing act between right wing parties and country clubs today versus history’s judgement tomorrow.


Lou Dobbs has always been conservative, but I remember when he was sane. Watching someone grow senile is sad, especially when they are encouraged to display their senility on television.


Well, relatively speaking (4% of stated goal) it’s doing better than the “thousand year Reich”, which only managed 1.2% of the target.

But maybe Dobbs actually meant that the effects of these four years will be felt for the rest of the century, and he may well (through no actual fault of his own) be right about that part.


And all of them were tight with Wally Cleaver.

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“The Trump Century”?
The term 1000 year Reich was already copyrighted.

Leave it to Birther loon Dobbs not to care about a presidents tax returns.

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Lou Dobbs in the makeup chair before his big show:



Strange/funny thing. Husband came home the other day and said he’d heard Lou Dobbs was dead. I was cheered but hadn’t heard it myself. But he thought maybe he got the name wrong. He did. It was Hugh Downs who never caused anybody anywhere the agita Dobbs does.


Boy that’s the truth - Hugh Downs always seemed like a nice guy and Lou Dobbs ain’t. hahaha He’s a bigots’ bigot.


Sure. And as soon as we can manage to get about 70 Democratic Senators in office, we’ll get right on that.

It’s the ex-cop Chauvin’s fault.

Trump’s riff: Gripes about the great economy he built, now felled by the virus, and also how “some stupid cop in Minneapolis kneels on someone’s neck and now everyone is protesting.”

I always watched 20/20 with him and Walters. I see now it was kinder, gentler news reporting.


Yes. I kinda actually liked him when he was still on CNN, even though I didn’t agree with him.

But now? I guess FOX is gonna give him free rein to let his freak flag fly with the goal of, as Olivia Nuzzi writes in another context, “[selling] President Donald Trump’s ideas and defend or explain away his statements to the ever-shrinking numbers of persuadable Americans.”

OT but worth your time: the aforementioned Nuzzi piece:

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One thing you can say about Ol’ Fightin’ Lou Dobbs: he always keeps his Fox Business News audience of 37 people riveted to the screen!


Impeachment (or death) is the only way out for a Justice.

This is, of course, idiotic, but it’s also dangerous. All these right wing nuts really do think there is a deep state that is trying to ruin Trump, and they don’t seem to realize the absurdness of how “deep state” is applied. It has now become “anything that goes against Trump”, and for some right wingers that’s on the cusp of a reason to commit violence.

So, what happens when Trump is voted out of office? It’s easy to see how that turns into “the deep state cheated in the election”, because there’s just no way real America would vote Dear Leader out of office. Then, we’re at the “very last attempt to save America and keep Trump in office”, and a call to arms to make it so. That’s when things get really dangerous for the nation…and, not even a blowout election can insulate us from this happening.

If things really go this way, in the end it would be great if instigators like Dobbs ended up punished for egging on the radicals. It would be even better if karma caught up with Dobbs any minute now.

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