Actually I have seen police officers outside polling places for years. They aren’t the problem. The problem is the party paid thugs who try to scare people.
“We had an off-duty employee who was picking up a family member who happened to be in the vicinity of a polling location,” McMullen told the Times.
Just because the “family member who happened to be in the vicinity” was also heavily armed and they decided to camp at the polling location, intimidate voters, and claim they were hired by the Cockholster Campaign was coincidence, pure happenstance.
As I like to say, I’m sure stranger things have happened but absolutely none come to mind.
On the other side of the coin, it may give others a good feeling, because they feel protected.”
From what? They never answer that questions.
Future historian
“I refer you to the 2023 pivotal case of militia guy v common sense, in which the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that guns are people, only much louder”
For anyone who was convicted of a felony in Florida, served their time, paid all their debts to the government, registered to vote and got themselves to a polling place, it is entirely reasonable that the sight of armed deputies at the voting booths would be a deterrent to casting a vote in person. Florida Republicans have fought desperately to derail the voter-approved reinstatement of the vote for felons. Deployment of LEOs is just another tactic in that battle.
Who just so happened to claim to be working on behalf of the Trump campaign?
Nice try, but probably should come up with a better lie next time.
Yes I agree with this. Sole police officers aree fine. Vigilantes are not.
Question is: Will these “deputies” be any better than the fake security guards?
Or much worse?
Someone ask the “sheriff” if he went to church this Sunday and two armed men were standing up on the alter with the pastor.
Would he enjoy the sermon?
Vare ah your PAPURZ!!!?!?!
But they can’t be thugs because their polo shirts are blue, not white.
Let’s let them “feel protected” with groups of uniformed, armed Black men.
You grant me that the state law specifies 150 feet, and that they were 250 feet away, but you still want to argue?
Sorry, I don’t have time to deal with hypotheticals.
They do seem to follow the classic
“I don’t know anything “
“I didn’t do it”
“You can’t prove it”
“It was an accident”
Which is funny coming from Calvin and Hobbes but a little distressing coming from actual adults
Certainly a good thing that they weren’t two New Black Panther party members with a single billy club between them. That would be a bad thing, worthy of the DOJ investigating and charging them.
I will grant you that. But, for the sake of argument, lets say you had to walk by them badges and guns to get there. Now, how do you feel?
I’d feel like they need to improve parking.
Then what are you doing here?
Law enforcement deputies will be stationed at five early voting sites in Florida, officials said
Will they search random* voters in line for weed and felonize them on the spot, along with the 20 voters immediately adjacent them in line as accessories? That’s called doing voter suppression florida-style.
Per a wapo article, they were set up 250 feet from the polling place, well outside the 100 foot limit, but presumably close to the line of voters.