Florida Law Enforcement Will Add Even More Security To Early Voting Sites | Talking Points Memo

Theory disproved.

Them good ole boys in Florida is just a might a scared they might recieve a little of that, what ya call it, oh yea reforming and that would mess-up their phoney bolonia j-o-b.


So is the part of the Voting Rights Act that the RNC was found to violate in 1982 still intact? And like the NJ gubernatorial election in 1982 does it only take one act, or can there be a series of actions that can trigger another law suit? And 2020 is suppose to be the first presidential election that the GOP can deploy ‘ballot security operations’.


Voting rights advocates have criticized efforts by the Trump campaign to solicit an “Army for Trump” to watch polls on Election Day

Let’s call it what it is: Sturmabteilung.



In Florida it is illegal to carry firearms at polling places unless:
a) You are an on-duty law enforcement officer
b) You are an off-duty law enforcement officer from a department which requires you to be armed at all times.
If those two jamokes were NOT law enforcement they should have been arrested.


But , they have a hard time with subtle.

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Yeah, that’s a bullshit line.

Kind of strange considering he is up for re-election.

But his opponent is a pretty weak candidate, from my understanding, so he obviously isn’t too worried.

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They were 250 feet away from the polling place. 150 feet is what is required by state law.


I expect the deputies will ‘providing security’ by giving the stink-eye to anyone whose immigration status they consider to be in question.

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It’s about time.

If anyone needs to complain about voter fraud and intimidation, it’s the Biden campaign and Florida Democrats.

I want to see jail terms for those arrested.


“I put the “B” in subtle”
Turk “The Wire”.

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How do we know these guys weren’t lying when they said they were hired by the Trump Campaign?


I will grant you that. But, for the sake of argument, lets say you had to walk by them badges and guns to get there. Now, how do you feel?

Yes, after this summers experiences seeing a cop at a polling place or dropbox will not be seen by most as an intimidation factor. BULL PHUCKY


Your honor: I thought that the object, his drivers license, was a weapon therefore I was afraid and defended myself.

Don’t even need that, just cite stand your ground:

“N+gg+r was on the same sidewalk as me, what the hell else was I supposed to do?!”

Here’s the thing that comes to mind, we are talking about Florida, but this is happening all over the country.
So, as good citizens we all need to try to get everyone we know to be sure and vote.
And most of all do so ourselves, then hopefully we will overcome all of this bullshit.
Man I feel a little better!

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I live in NYC and have served as a poll worker. Here, at least, there is always a police officer assigned to the site. I have never been “intimidated” by their presence, if anything, I am happy to see them there. Let’s draw a line between uniformed officers and rent-a-cops, shall we? Don’t panic, go vote and complain IF anybody tries to stop you from doing so.


Have them show their paychecks. If they haven’t been paid it’s a sure bet they are working for Stumpfingers.