Florida GOP Lawmakers Use Last Days Of Legislative Session To Attack Trans Rights

A recent X-ray of the Florida numbskull



What the f*ck happened to Florida?


Someone needs to remind all these Rethuglican cretins that as elected officials they are bound to represent ALL the people in their state, not just like-minded deplorables. And Mr. DeSatan, that gores for you too.

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Because small impositions and indignities add up and make life exceedingly difficult for the individuals being shat upon. Sort of like the old Jim Crow rules - whites only water fountains, entrances, and accommodations, having to cross to the other side of the street when a white person approaches, having to avoid eye contact, etc., etc., etc.

So now trans people have to tippy toe around bathroom options, get excluded from sports competitions, get denied access to their office space (Montana -Zooey), etc.



oh dear, this could get nasty…i’m rather old and when i have to’go’, i have to’go’…if there is a long line at the women’s bathroom, and short one or no line, at the men’s room…my friends and i have been known to ‘go’ to the men’s room… and these are the same people who demand to know when a girl is having her period…that one really bugs me…why do these men have to know when a girl is having her period?? its scarey to think of ‘why’.


i’ve lived here for along time…the only thing i can think of that has happened to Florida is that so many people immigrated to here and brought their misery with them…watching ‘natives’ having a good time and genrerally just mellowing out, was too much for them…so the prceeded to destroy everyhting that made FLORIDA what it was…a live and let live place…


Additionally the changing stations are in both restrooms which are required by law in many areas. If you have a child of either gender and they need to go and or have to have their diapers changed it simply doesn’t matter which one you walk into in order to take care of it.


one can assume many children have brothers.sisters and share a bathroom at home…i seriously doubt if kids worry about this… the worse thing is they may get mad if someone pees on the seat or whatever.


they are comsumed by how people do anyhting ‘private’…as we used to say…‘they have dirty minds.’


One of them, the “Safety In Private Spaces Act,” would make it a misdemeanor for someone to use a bathroom that doesn’t align with their assigned-at-birth sex.

I just want to make sure that, when I go to the bathroom or anywhere else, I can take my assigned-at-birth AR-15.


I’ve been traveling to Florida usually once a year for well over 50 years. The folks who moved there as retirees or just the ones who wanted the warm climate (the expansion of low cost air conditioning in the sunbelt figured into it) were part of the post WWII or Korean War generation. They resided in a Florida governed by post war, New Deal and Great Society era consensus governors like Reuben Askew, Bob Graham and Walking Lawton Chiles. Most were quite ok with the investments in public goods be they the highways and buy-ways, libraries and public education. Were there culture wars, sure, Anita freakin Bryant, the rally for decency at the Orange Bowl, but for the most part they were assuaged.
Now the folks who relocate there tend to be the Christian nationalists, finance bros, crypto enthusiasts, former law enforcement etc. aren’t always cognizant of that history which is how we arrived here.


When the government passes laws that are seemingly difficult to enforce, such as laws against possession of a plant or a small powder, they find a way to enforce it, and they find a way to enforce it against the exact targets of the original law, not all they could apply the law to.

The result of this will be that the state of Florida has a law that they can use to harass out trans people. They have a law that they can use to shame people who they know are trans, and that is the entire point.


Between the DNC trying to kill DeSantis’ campaign before it starts and MAGA nation, I’m not sure Ron has any idea of the shitstorm that he’s stirred up. Dark Brandon and Trump gunning for you? No thanks


Exactly. More specifically, they will use this to harass trans women.

I suspect the thing underlying much of this anti-trans bullshit is a fear of the penis as a weapon. Through that lens, trans women are presumed to be men who are trying to smuggle a dick into a place it isn’t expected – whether a women’s restroom or a (cis-het) man’s bedroom – with the assumption that the only reason to smuggle one in is to use it as a weapon.


Oh - and the oh so fun English as the First Language movement in the 80s born out of the backlash against the Mariel Boat lift. I remember my 4th grade teacher in 82 at Sunset Elementary in Miami - my first year after moving from Puerto Rico - insisting that my name was no longer Jorge but George now that I moved to the United States. I mean, I’d lived my whole life on an island that was part of the United States but those subtleties weren’t important to her argument.


The soul-crushing humidity. And the flying cockroaches.


I’m sure there are psychologists who can make a field day out of this one. If you are afraid that the penis is a weapon, and then you teach your boys that the penis is a weapon, how much does your fear that the penis is a weapon make the penis a weapon?


Some guy in the south was holding his wife’s purse as she used the restroom and some right-wing loons beat him to death.

Making certain people go into certain bathrooms is a literal death sentence.

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They decided to begin acting like an outline of their state.


I shake my head, the U.S. has become a caricature of itself.

So this week we’ve been moving my daughter into her new apartment in downtown Montreal. She found a nice, and relatively affordable place that even takes pets so she’s tickled, but the real “pièce de résistance!” is that she’s literally half a block from one of the more exciting streets on the island, with dozens of restaurants, intimate bars and other fun things for people her age to do.

And here’s the rub - we went out to dinner three times, choosing a different resto each time, and every. single. one. of them. had a single “unisex” bathroom - five or six stalls with doors, a single sink to wash hands and one of them didn’t even have an outer door, just the stall doors. And to everyone here, that’s just normal and admired because it’s so much more space efficient!

I look at how easily everyone here in Quebec just “goes with the flow”, compared to the oh so many areas of the States that are currently “batshit crazy”, and it saddens me. For a few years I wrote it off as backlash to all the advances in Civil Rights that various minority groups were making, and I still think that all the batshit craziness is coming from a (still shrinking) minority, but unless folks really, really turn out for the next couple of elections, a lot of this shit is going to be hard to correct in my lifetime… :frowning_face: