Five Points On Why Former Trump Officials’ Recent COVID Revisionism Doesn’t Cut It | Talking Points Memo

With the COVID-19 pandemic potentially nearing an end, Trump administration officials responsible for managing the crisis have begun to try to spin their way out of the carnage that the virus left behind.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


“[Trump]’s been so attentive to the scientific literature and the details and the data,” Birx said in a March 2020 interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network. “I think his ability to analyze and integrate data that comes out of his long history in business has really been a real benefit during these discussions about medical issue.”

No laser in the world is powerful enough to remove that tattoo from her forehead.


Wow. Just … wow. Six weeks out and they’re barely hedging their responses. When the books get published about the “Debacle of ought-20” there are going to be many, many ex-Trump folks looking to polish the turds that were their careers. And so it begins…


well, his uncle did go to MIT, so, there’s that


Redfield and Fauci today:

'One of the most significant things “that affected our success in this pandemic was not being allowed into China” earlier, he told me. Fauci echoed a similar sentiment when I asked him about it.

“I think it would have been a significant difference,” Fauci said. "I think if we had sent our people into Wuhan and been able to talk to the Chinese scientists in a conversation that might have lasted an hour, you could have gotten so much information right from the get go. They would have told us, don’t believe what you’re reading. This is spread asymptomatically. It spreads highly efficiently and it’s killing people.”’

I mean, it’s not like they can’t pick up a phone or send an email to China—do they think this is the 1960s? Not to mention we had US CDC personnel working at the facility in Wuhan. I have the utmost respect for Fauci, but this is insane. It doesn’t even pass the smell test. According to their current narrative I knew the virus was spreading asymptomatically before the CDC did.

I can even see maybe getting mixed up about the timeline after working your butt off with little sleep for a year in the middle of a pandemic, but there’s no way Fauci doesn’t know we had CDC boots on the ground in Wuhan before and during the initial outbreak. There was even a back and forth where China got mad at Trump for calling COVID the China virus and suggested US CDC employees at the Wuhan facility might have released the virus on purpose.

In February China was begging the WHO to provide guidance about asymptomatic spread. WHO instead listened to the CDC, who said China was absolutely wrong (without speculating why on Earth China would lie about such a thing) citing the below paper as definitive proof China was wrong. How many people died because the WHO listened to the CDC instead of China? – published February 18, 2020:

"In conclusion, our study suggests that asymptomatic cases are unlikely to contribute substantially to the spread of SARS-CoV-2.”


“Everything Trump touches dies” or in my view turns into shit or often bullshit.

That is these people much like the Republican Party including its voters have been forever tainted by their association with Trump and until they come clean about are unable to wash the shit off themselves.


Yeah, it was a redux of Hunger Games but the TV ratings were YUGE! What does it matter if a few (hundred thousand) die… you get to be a star! And if you’re a star, they let you do it. Redfield should be court martialed.


O/T but we have a new date August



This tweet seems relevant:


At every turn Trump looked first to use the pandemic to enhance his personal political or financial position. Instead of doing their jobs to the best of their ability, Trump’s entourage did all they could to help Trump to the detriment of the American people. I have no respect for any of the people who hung with Trump.


Good TPM…now do their revisionism on the border!!! I posted this elsewhere, but it’s too infuriating not to share it…I can’t possibly be this enraged all by myself.

Zero Tolerance Steal-Their-Children for Deterrence Party suddenly wants these children to be treated humanely? Give my blood pressure a fucking break.

No, what they want is to try to force Biden to demand that Congress enact funding for facilities so that the GOP can try to hold it hostage and make demands about the border, citizenship, DACA, etc.

Trump handed Biden a big, fat, turd timebomb when it came to immigration and now that it went off, the GOP wants to pretend the shit all over the walls is Biden’s fault.


After that humdinger from her, she was dead to me as a source of information.

Her squirming silence during the “drinking bleach and shining a light up your bum” only served to confirm it.

Because, regardless of what she may or may not have done behind the scenes, she provided sound bytes for the looney toons and so we are where we are.


even a Jewish-Space-Laser?


Really? I despise the bastards, every one…


That quote of hers will go down in the history books – and not in a positive way.


Trump handed Biden a big, fat, turd timebomb when it came to immigration and now that it went off, the GOP wants to pretend the shit all over the walls is Biden’s fault.
It’s all they have…nothing


I’d respect them more if they hanged with Trump, but not by much


“Polish the turds”
They’ve started already. Just look at Rick Scott’s head.


…As the moment that the government finally admitted that Jewish Space Lasers are real, and that they, alongside failure of forest raking protocols, are to blame for many of our worst “natural” disasters?