Five Points On Why Former Trump Officials’ Recent COVID Revisionism Doesn’t Cut It | Talking Points Memo

Well, nothing and feces haha


At heart, let’s remember this is T***** fault. More than half a million US citizens are dead because of him. Solely because of him. He is a mass murderer.


It’s obvious that these officials were trying to keep the worst things from coming out and give themselves more credit for their “attempts to keep the wheels on”, so they appear to be heroes standing against the worst of the Trump administration. It’s even possible that they believe they were doing the right thing by publicly avoiding tearing down the awful Trump administration response.

The problem is that the real story will come out…people around these people know what happened, some of them are going to talk, and the records are all there for historians to evaluate in the future. By attempting to have it both ways, all these jokers are doing is to extend the Trump narrative and keep Republicans relevant, instead of excoriating them the way they should be. Birx is right that the first 100k deaths probably were unavoidable, maybe more or less, because the first outbreaks were that serious and no one knew what was really going on or how to protect from it, or treat the patients. But, the point where we stopped any process to respond like other nations did (Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, even China) meant that we were on the train to kill many more Americans. That was a political choice to win the 2020 election, and Republicans are solely responsible for the impetus of that.

The danger is that these yahoos are maneuvering to get power again, and permanently…just imagine how messed up the US will be with those incompetents running things. We should be afraid of that future and do everything possible to avoid it.


I never knew Science, Rational Thought, and Compassion could be driven into bankruptcy.

Until T**** proved to me it WAS possible.


Forgetting 2,000 years of the Catholic Church right there



Yes it is his fault, but he couldn’t have done it without enablers. They share the blame. I think this is a situation where the shares of the blame can total over 100%


“I get all these flash reports, and they’re telling me about the border, they’re telling me about China, they’re telling me about Iran — how’re we doing with Iran? How do ya like that?” Trump told laughing guests, who were presumably waiting for something about the couple.

“Boy, they were ready to make a deal … they would have done anything. And this guy [Biden] goes and drops the sanctions and then he says, ’We’d love to negotiate now,” he complained.

Trump also brought up the problems at the Mexican border, saying migrant children were living in “squalor.” They’re “living like nobody has ever seen,” he added, apparently forgetting his own policy of deliberately separating children from their parents and keeping them in cages.

“They said get 66 million votes, Sir, and the election is over [won]. We got 75 million votes … you saw what happened,” he said, calling it a “strange thing.”

In the most plaintive moment, the former president asked: “Do you miss me yet?”


When we said there were millions of tests available, there weren’t



Totally different ballgames. The comparison for us is better mainland Europe.

The first three are literal islands, so much easier for them to just shut things down. What works in China would never work in a Western Democracy, the level of monitoring and control over citizens there would lead to revolution anywhere else.

We and Britain missed the boat in the first run, but by and large this was going to run its way through the population sooner or later absent a permanent fix. Which is what we’re seeing now in Europe as things have gone back to worse over there.


Biden Officials to Investigate Trump-Era Attacks on Science - The New York Times (


Good god, I had almost forgotten about how too much testing was driving the case numbers.


Even in her worst collaboration mode Leni Riefenstahl herself was never quite that effusive.


Later T**** ate a tic tac and took the bride furniture shopping.


Sadly I think you’re right. I had a coworker at that time who knew people in China, and she said it was much worse than was being reported. She wore a mask from the start.


The pandemic is almost over? Really? There is no cure. There are plenty of variants developing and infecting those who are not vaccinated, as well as those who are. Until everyone is vaccinated, this thing is going to continue to create more chaos.

I do feel better knowing that myself and most of those in my family and friends are getting vaccinated, but I know that conservatives are going to continue to screw this up for society. Let’s don’t count our chickens before they are hatched.


A Birx story is a waste of time. The REAL story is someone willing to hire her after working for Trump.


Yes, Birx, Redfield, Atlas, Azar and others deserve all the shaming and ridicule they are getting. But Trump, Pence, and Kushner are genocidal evil-doers. There may not be a Satan, but these three personify Evil. Trump admitted to Woodward early on about the virus’ severity; Pence was AWOL in heading up the government’s response, and Jared wanted to hoard all the protective equipment, saying it belongs to us, not the States.


They lied, people died.


There will be plenty of civil liability litigation to deal with for the collaborators. They’re not out of the woods yet.