Fiona Hill Had GOPers On The Run For Downplaying Russian Meddling In 2016 | Talking Points Memo

And this afternoon, Grassley and Johnson are further pushing the Ukraine/DNC conspiracy. So, thanks for trying, Fiona.


We know Senate Republicans, in cahoots with the defendant, will not do their Constitutional duty, and really, there’s nothing we can do about it.

But we haven’t played all our cards yet. The Monday decision regarding Don McGahn will, I suspect, order him to testify. Though he (or the Administration) will appeal that, it does open the door for Bolton to testify -which will be helpful to Democrats. And if they wait long enough, they could get Mulvaney, Pompeo, Perry, and others.

Ultimately, the question for the Speaker is since Republicans have made their intentions clear, what’s the best path for Democrats and justice to prevail? A quick vote in the House followed by a relatively quick ending in the Senate. Or further investigations in the House, review of more documents and submitting more subpoenas and dragging it out.

I think I prefer the dragging it out approach as I think there’s a lot more that we still don’t know. There are the tax records still out there, unresolved issues from the Mueller Report, and so much more. Though, I admit, it may not ultimately matter in the corrupt body led by Moscow Mitch.

It may be the very best we can do is to clearly show the American people the abject corruption of Donald Trump and the entire Republican Party, and to let them decide if this is a country worth saving. I’m not comfortable with what that answer may be in terms of the electoral college.


Nice, but to quote Fonzie from “Happy Days”, “The bullfight’s not over 'til the matador spits” and the one big thing we’ve yet to see anything on is the financial side. Evidence clearly points to millions in Russian money being funneled to the entire GOP apparatus - we need an accounting, interviews with the bagmen, charts showing who got what, s few arrests (starting perhaps with some NRA folks). You pull on these threads and the who thing unravels. Until then, the GOP are all motivated to lie, deflect, support Donnie to the bitter end but once it’s out those who got the cash will be disarmed and those who didn’t can rally around Mitt Romney and start to rebuild their party.

So, I know the New York folks have been looking at financials, I know we’re waiting for tax returns and I know some of those bagmen are starting to waver. You think this season was exciting, wait until the new season starts and all this starts to unravel. I believe Pelosi has this scheduled for our screens starting in January, hope I’m right…


So you’re saying the GOP has jumped the snark?


Dr. Hill is a pawn. Yesterday didn’t happen as far as the black side is concerned, because they have two queens, Barr and SCOTUS, while white side has maybe a rook left in Schiff. That’s it. The Oligarchy News Networks either don’t understand or care. A few of the not quite fully onboard thug Senators were summoned to the WH to have this made more clear to them yesterday.

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As a matter of fact, yes:


Hill’s criticisms were entirely warranted. It was illuminative to watch Republicans claim ‘Russia hoax’ on days 1-11, then on day 12 be outraged that anyone would claim they downplayed Russia’s intervention…only for Nunes to use it again at the end of the day.


Great minds, etc.

How much do I owe you in royalties?


I realize there’s no way we’re doing this again, but Constitutionally, there’s no law against a second impeachment, is there? Now that would be a record worthy of a worthless jackass like Donald Trump.


Precisely! Trump and his stooges were claiming to look for corruption in the wrong places. Clearly all the corruption is in the White House, the offices of the Attorney General, Sec. of State, the entire Republican Caucus (House & Senate), and the Republican Party.

Putin is smiling broadly.


Four-letter word. Starts with “ha” and ends with “ck.”


Yes, Trump could be impeached three times a day and six times on Sundays.


Yes, that was amusing.

The illuminating part is that they think they can get away with it.

(Never mind that they may be right.)


That’s the key question. My view has been that the House Dems are entirely responsible for making the case to the country, because they’ll get no help in the Senate, and without public support the case is even more doomed to failure than it is otherwise. They don’t want to be seen as dragging it out, but spending time on pulling a few more key threads would be beneficial.


I’ll waive the royalties, but the Soros Foundation might still be dipping into your bank account - that’ll be @castor_troy doing his thing to get ready for the Christmas party! :wine_glass::sunglasses::boom:


She shot down so many Trump/GOP lies that the NRA sent thoughts and prayers.


They need to get this one right. Why are they focusing only on the Ukraine bribery? If they rush this to a vote now and send it to the Senate, there is no doubt they will acquit. There is nothing been said so far that will sway Graham and McTurtle.


Let’s face it, the only chance Republicans have to save the senate and white house in 2020 requires a combination of voter suppression and Russian hacking. They don’t have a compelling message. They have to cheat to win and for them winning is everything.


Anyone told Lindsey?


I just read Josh’s post regarding the e-mail he received from a former federal prosecutor. If it plays out as he suggests, things could get pretty interesting over in the Senate trial.

The other wildcard is Trump’s health. Whatever his problem is, he looked quite frail and unsteady as he climbed down the short staircase from the plane yesterday in Austin.

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