Feds Charge Man Tied To ‘Boogaloo’ Movement With Second Killing, Arrest Alleged Accomplice | Talking Points Memo

I spent all of 1968 in Vietnam, missed the whole year. I thank Lawrence O’Donnell for his book about the year because really caught me up. For years and years I couldn’t imagine how I missed Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the Olympics, among other things.


My first tour in Vietnam started mid nineteen sixty eight during mid summer.

I missed the worst of it only to find myself, as you did, in something even worse

Be well my brother


reference to the Boogaloo movement — an American flag patch featuring a picture of an igloo and a a stripe of Hawaiian-style print running down the middle. These are also derivations of “Boogaloo” — “Big Igloo” and “Big Luau.”

Yep, sounds like Alt-Right jack-offs. Gotta’ have their official patch, because you’re not official without your patch! Of course, since they have no soul or creativity, they decided to misappropriate three other cultures they’d like to repress to represent their flag.


But…Jeff-KKK-Sessions said he was investigating those (unable-to-name) Black Identity Extremist groups.


Peace brother.

Where were you, I was in Chu Lai.
(Did you read O’Donnell’s book?)


The revolution will not be televised. It will be live-streamed.

Everybody has a sob story not everybody commits murder.

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Seems like they took the marketing lessons the KKK demonstrated. Don’t make your hate organization too noticible with pointy white hoods - give it a little humor and make kicky patches with fun rebus word play - you’ll get the younger, hip crowd.

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Buh, buh, buh, Antifa!

I was in the Delta most of my first tour. My second found me rotating between air bases depending on the mission.

You’re a Marine? I was Army.

Peace out.

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ha ha - Nope, not a Marine. I was an Army draftee. We were a small detachment, four guys, attached to the Navy who ran the tank farm. It was fight on the beach, real nice, but the tanks and the MAG across the street were easy targets so it got a little noisy at night. I always thought it was a beautiful landscape with the mountains in the near distance. Now I understand it is a resort with little cabins right where my hooch was. Did you ever go back?

I went back three times to the Highlands and yes, they are beautiful and the people are wonderful. Several of us helped re-establish their livestock and brought better strain of seeds for their gardens.

I was a young butter bar fresh out of ROTC in '68. In 70 I went back as a Ranger. Much better than patrolling the bush.

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That’s great. That’s really great. I would like to go back, I have friends whose brother’s have gone back several times and they all tell me to go, but I don’t see that it is going to happen. One thing I do is make microloans on Kiva. I’ve made a lot to Vietnam; it seems the most active field partners are in the North (what used to be called the north). Every time I make a loan there I feel a little better. I’ll make one tomorrow - when I make them I try to tell a little story on FB to keep people interested, I’ll mention you and what you did and try to find a loan in the livestock sector tomorrow.

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