Federal Appeals Court Temporarily Reinstates Ohio Ballot Drop Box Limits | Talking Points Memo

Judges Griffin and Thapar sided with LaRose who said that additional ballot drop boxes could create unnecessary security risks. The court struck down claims that limiting drop off boxes was unconstitutional on the basis of impeding voting rights saying the move caused “at most an inconvenience to a subset of voters.”

“Moreover, the State cannot be faulted for these voters’ choice to not take advantage of the other avenues available to them to cast their ballot,” the judges wrote.

If you happen to find a bigger crock of this, please keep the lid on it.


“Moreover, the State cannot be faulted for these voters’ choice to not take advantage of the other avenues available to them to cast their ballot,” the judges wrote.

Kinda like Ivanka advising the unemployed to “find something new.”


Worse than that - voting was very public. Even in those cases where Blacks were not threatened just for casting a vote, the boxes themselves were in full view, and your slip of paper went into one box or the other. Your boss saw where your vote went.
(Of course, there was also terrorism afoot to keep Blacks at home.)

Secret ballot voting didn’t occur until the Progressive Era (+/- 1900s).


“Grasshopper…trust your feelings”

Every Biden voter seeing this decision will trust her/his feelings and vote with a motivation they may never have known she/he had.


Which is kinda a pity. We wouldn’t have ended up with Trump if everyone’s vote was public. Lotta people voted for him that wouldn’t admit it, then or now.


Iowa primaries kind of work like that, though the caucus may finally die in 2022.


10-10 is also a celebratory day for Taiwanese - establishment of the Republic of China.


If recent polls are any indicator those old white people are no longer “theirs.”


Exactly what REPUGS want gets it to the Supremes faster where they can put another REPUG Judiciary stamp on voter suppression.


It’s such a crock that Mike Pense’s fly landed on it…


I applaud you for being part of election protection.


Can tell you that this old white fart (75) has always in the past voted based upon whomever I believed would do the best job regardless of party affiliation.

NEVER AGAIN it will be straight Democrat from this point forward

Also, make note 3rd parties need not apply.


Used to do that in Vermont, where Republicans are just fiscal conservatives, not moral ones.

When LBJ said “we have lost the south for a generation” was he anticipating the re-alignment of white voters or just anticipating that black republican voters would finally get to vote?

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After the blue wave of 2018, I believe they are getting a little worried.
If we keep picking up seats, Trump is toast regardless. From nearly a year ago:

  • The House was 241-194 Republican after the 2016 election. Today, it’s effectively 235-199 Democratic.* Republicans held a historic 33-16 advantage in governor’s seats after the 2016 election. Today, it’s 26-24.* Republicans had a 32-14 advantage in state legislatures controlled after 2016. Today, it’s 30-19. (Some legislatures are split, with one party controlling one chamber, and the other party in a majority in the other.)* The GOP had total control over the governance of 24 states, vs. seven for Democrats. Today, it’s a much-closer 22-14.* Republicans had an advantage of 57 percent to 42 percent in nationwide state legislative seats after 2016. Today, that 15-point edge is trimmed to five, 52-47

They are not liking the trend. Especially with Trump being mostly unpopular and not having any coattails.
The fewer people vote, the better their chances.


Secret ballot voting finally came to Pennsylvania in 1935. Before that, voters would put a colored slip in a glass jar and there would be someone observing how they voted. If they did not have the blue Republican ballot in their hand they would be fired from their mill job.

I remember my grandparents telling me that a lot of workers did lose their jobs in 1912 when they picked the green slip for Teddy Roosevelt instead of the blue slip for Taft. Very few would take a yellow Democratic slip and then there were those like my grandparents who were blacklisted for taking the pink Socialist slip…Grandpa said that was where the tern “pink slip” originated…


Yeah started a thread with that news this morning,and will add this.

Another ruling


And here’s another loyal Trumpette using her god given 2nd Amendment rights…


“at most an inconvenience to a subset of voters.”

Ya know, like learning every detail of the federal and state constitutions was to Black Mississippians who wanted to vote in 1964.


He knew that white voters would move to the Republican Party. (Sadly, he was overly optimisitic.) Black voters had been reliably Democratic since the New Deal.