Federal Appeals Court Temporarily Reinstates Ohio Ballot Drop Box Limits | Talking Points Memo

Ballot box gaming is as old as the post-Civil War 14/15 Amendment right to vote for freed slaves. Former and well armed Confederates in the South placed the ballot boxes in a store or property owned by fellow white supremacists.If a freedman in 1870 tried to drop a ballot at a white controlled box, they were threatened with arson of their homes, or murder, by whites stationed to prevent them from voting. It continues now in different, less violent, form by ‘loyal’ to Party Republican judges.


As am I. but their journalism would be more effective if they named the appointers of the judges. Decisions on voting rights don’t always correlate with the party of the appointer, but that is the way to bet, and it is big news when it does not happen.


This tweet’s from Marc Elias who’s part of the litigation unit on Biden’s campaign.



Laurence Tribe approves this message


Yeah I know. It’s in conflict with the court in Ohio.

The funny thing about this ruling for Texas is that the only county that I know for sure it affects is Harris. We don’t have drop boxes in Dallas Co. You either return the ballot to the early voting clerk’s office or mail it. Thousands of voters are returning their ballots to the clerk’s office. There have been lines as long as food bank lines.


Yet another decision showing the damage McConnell and the “Federalist Society” has done to the courts.

This is why I’m ready to support 18 year term limits on Federal judges to limit the damage these right wing assholes inflict on us.

And it’s time to expand the size of the Supreme Court from 9 to 15 to neutralize the right wing assholes on the court.


Well said.

One thing I might question is “Former” – but I agree it’s a technicality, at best.


Today is 10-10-2020 … OHIO … GET MAD!

YES this sucks … but there is sufficient time on the clock … and Lord knows monumental motivation … to wrap this thing in concertina wire and … shove it down the GOP’S throat… and rip it out the other end! Crush the GOP with astronomical Democratic voter participation!


GWB appointees, of course.

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From the above article, near the bottom:

While Griffin and White were appointed by George W. Bush, Thapar is an an appointee of President Donald Trump.


Agreed. Pretty much the first thing I look for on the googles whenever a particularly egregious decision comes down.

And am almost never surprised as who which party appointed them.


That was added sometime after I posted about judge appointers. I specifically searched for “trump” in the text to make sure I hadn’t missed it when reading.

But good, better late than never. And it points out that the dissenter was a bush appointee (some of the republican-appointed judges do the right thing, such as Emmet Sullivan).


Bush II & Trump judges, not much surprise there. As in none, except for the one dissenter.

And this:

The court struck down claims that limiting drop off boxes was unconstitutional on the basis of impeding voting rights saying the move caused “at most an inconvenience to a subset of voters.”

So if I only murder one person out of a population of say 5 million, it’s not a crime, because it would be “at most an inconvenience to a subset of living people”? Since when have voting rights been a proportionate thing?

See why they need Barrett on the courts ASAP?

If Biden & Dems don’t expand the courts, then the next 4-8 years will be meaningless.


Every single media story that involves a legal decision by a judge needs to append who appointed them. It’s not that hard. Regrettably, we have to look at that one simple fact for any decisions made by Republican selected jurists.


Or not. If it’s articulate, well-written, and comes to a conclusion that is clearly both logical and constitutional, we know it’s not written by a republican.


And back then, the black freedmen were attempting to vote Republican. They were, for over 100 years opposed by White Supremacist Dixiecrats who would sooner die or have their sisters have interracial relationships than vote for a Republican. All that changed when Reagan embraced the Southern Nationalists and a migration of Southern congressmen and senators to the Republican Party predicted by LBJ happened within Reagan’s first term.



I’d add only that Nixon and Wallace – and Kevin Phillips and others – helped.


That’s what happened in the Wisconsin primary. Hope it holds true for the general election.


Beautifully put! I’m involved in election protection and applaud this sentiment.