Federal Appeals Court Temporarily Reinstates Ohio Ballot Drop Box Limits | Talking Points Memo

O that’s awesome. Thank you for that. I hadn’t seen it.


Not a conflict. Differing state laws. Differing conditions in the states involved. There is no federal standard, beyond the basic right to vote (what’s left of it), for ballot drop boxes.

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Thanks - I was thinking about that earlier and since the states do control their own elections I wondered.


That part I get, if Ohio appeals court says no to drop boxes and Texas appeals court says yes, what then?

If Texas gets there first, and they uphold their ruling in a tie, is that precedent for Ohio?

If Ohio gets there first, and they uphold their ruling in a tie, is that precedent for Texas?

Separate rulings that don’t establish precedent for the other because they’re two different states?!

Probably moot since Rs seem like they’re as determined to get Conehead on the court as voters are to get Trump out of office.

I was thinking that packing the court would be a whole lot more interesting and hopefully less partisan if they took the number up to 27. They could break it down into three Supreme Court panels to hear more cases and would hopefully dilute the partisan rancor that is so prevalent in our society. If needs be, a full panel would still have an odd number (27). My fever dreams notwithstanding, a bare minimum of two new justices are required just to get the two that were stolen from us back. By the way and slightly off-topic; when Joe’s elected we can finally get some Tubman’s in our wallets!


They’re also counting on their old white people not being pissed off at Trump, which appears not to be a safe assumption.

Funny how people don’t take kindly to being told they need to die for the sake of the economy.



They do eat their own.


It all goes by which circuit you’re in. So Texas, louisiana and Mississippi are in the fifth circuit, and decisions by the circuit apply there.

Ohio is sixth circuit, with tennessee, kentucky and Michigan.

When two circuits disagree, the Supremes often, but not always, take cases to resolve the difference.

But until they make a decision, each circuit’s decisions only apply there.

To make it more fun, the circuits do look at each other’s decisions when deciding their cases, and often address the differences in opinions, in order to highlight for the Supremes what conflicts need resolution.


God I love it. They are just determined to lose aren’t they? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


when Joe’s elected we can finally get some Tubman’s in our wallets!

I can’t wait for that! Oh and it would be lovely to see heads explode if Frederick Douglass was put on the 100!


Shit they’d absolutely die if we put Obama or Michelle on bills.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Ooo, or both of them together.


Even better–put Trump’s arraignment mugshot on Treasury securities!


We can do it all! hahahahahahahahahaha I’d really love to see the freakout. I’d enjoy the hell out of it.

Issue Margaret Sanger commemorative coins. hahahahaha


People are already voting. This is judicial voter suppression.


I’m thinking that the Texas ruling could have some purchase here, though IANAL so it’s just a guess.

There were a couple of counties in Ohio that had more than one drop box starting around 2010 or 2012. LaRose is basically denying something that existed before, just like Abbott in Texas. I’d have to find the record on that, but it did not include my home county, Cuyahoga.

We’re waiting until after early voting hours close for the day to drop ours off today or Monday because you have to snake through early voting lines to get to the drop box. Although there were reports that the BOE sometimes sent employees out to collect drop offs to ease car and pedestrian traffic problems.

I read that Franklin County (Columbus) had backups to use the drop boxes that snarled interstate offramp traffic last week. Seems egregious to say it’s OK for the SOS to let this continue just because we could mail the ballots but what do I know.

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That line particularly pissed me off. The entire reason for the problem is inept Covid-19 response and trump fucking with the USPS. Neither of those things were the voters’ choice either.


An Ohio boy here can fantasize about a 67 Democrat Senate which could impeach a whole LOT of judges who comfort the comfortable. Everything with these pricks is Calvinball - they love their settled law even when it objectively deprives people of their rights.

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Sorry, we were outside and ignoring every electronic device we could find.

Wait, that didn’t come out quite right.

But never mind. In the interim @castor_troy answered the question and, for what it’s worth, I endorse all five paragraphs.

I’m still outside and (supposedly) ignoring every electronic device, but if you have a further question it will come to my attention.


So would Obama or Michelle, I think; you can’t memorialize the still living that way. But… what if Obama were to be appointed Secretary of the Treasury for a while? Then his signature goes on the paper currency.


plus it’s a subset we are looking to disenfranchise so… win/win, right?