FDA And CDC Recommend Pause On J&J COVID Vaccines Amid Reports Of Blood Clotting

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Tuesday morning recommended a pause on administering Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine in response to six reported cases of blood clotting in the U.S among those who received the vaccine.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1369363

I just got this a few days ago, and while I’m a rational science minded person that understands the risk is low, it doesn’t help my anxiety and still sucks.


Write down a number from one to a million. Ask someone to guess the number. If they guess it on one try, that’s the chance of developing a vaccine induced clot - literally.
Seriously, I wouldn’t worry. Btw I got my Pfizer 2 shot yesterday.


Sorry to hear it.

Bear in mind that all six aforementioned cases of blood-clotting occurred in women aged 18 to 48; and that there are treatments for the clotting that do not interact much with the vaccine.

Not sure if TPM reported any of this.


It if makes you feel any better, think of your odds of drawing 1 card to fill an inside straight, say, 3 times in a row! :slight_smile:


Blood clot? Or over-sized microchip?

Statistical blips, that will only feed the anti-vaxxer
fever swamp.


Shit. Hope I can still get mine on Thursday. Opened up to all adults in PA this morning, and it was the only one available.


This makes me really unhappy. I’m supposed to get a J&J tomorrow - don’t know if it will happen. At 3 months shy of 65, I had to wait months to be eligible for an appointment while every special group the state could think of was inserted behind the 65+ folks and ahead of the 60+ folks. Then, due to lack of vaccines, I’ve had to wait another 3 weeks for my appointment to come up. If my appointment gets cancelled, who knows how long I’ll have to wait to get another appointment, while also being pushed back 5 or 6 weeks beyond that date to be fully protected. Coupled with previous anaphylaxis experience, this whole thing has me seriously stressed out.


Moreover… birth control pills have a much higher incidence of blood clotting, and those are still being used. I’ve not got the data in front of me… but I’m utterly unconvinced that there’s a link, or even evidence of a link, between the vaccine and the observed clotting. I mean, other than Post Hoc, what’ve we got?


Compare that with your 1-in-315 lifetime chance of being killed by gun violence if you live in the U.S. (as reported by the conservative Business Insider in 2018). https://www.businessinsider.com/us-gun-death-murder-risk-statistics-2018-3.

ETA: Hint for the cautious – your prospects vastly improve if you don’t own a firearm.

ETA2: Just yesterday:


I got mine yesterday. I’m glad for the transparency about the risks, but for me personally shrug.


This strikes me as a bad decision and certainly politically tone deaf. The cost benefit analysis makes no sense. The cost of disrupting vaccine roll out and giving fodder to anti-vaxxers is much higher than the benefit of figuring out whether this vaccine is even connected to the rare case of 6 blood clots over 6.8 mill vaccines administered. On top of that, the J&J is the easiest vaccine to store and administer. ‘One and done’ has tremendous upside as a selling point to reach young people and the vaccine hesitant.

This review could’ve been done in parallel with the roll out. People have undertaken significantly higher risks over the past year leaving their homes to go to work, go to the grocery store or visit an elderly relative.

Btw, I took the J&J vaccine last month. I’m fine.


Every vaccine can have an adverse effect or has the potential to trigger an autoimmune response. Even Moderna and Pfizer. About a month ago a healthy, beautiful 39 year old woman died four days after a Moderna vaccination.

Her dad is convinced it was the shot, but he was still going to get his vaccination regardless. As of about a month ago, it was about 1,137 people who died in the US after a vaccination. The information on what actually caused the deaths is vague. Still, like the woman’s father said, it’s better to be vaccinated than not to be vaccinated



“So the antivaxxers were right all along.” (snark)
(Wait for it. You know it’s coming.)
The sky IS falling.
And on that subject, there is a finite chance that you will be hit by a meteorite, so don’t leave your underground bunker.
But by all means, keep smoking, eating your junk food, and drinking your soda pop and alcohol, and don’t forget to inject yourself with bleach.

I understand caution, but I also understand statistics and probability. They don’t hold a candle to magical thinking, either of the optimistic or the pessimistic kind.

TRUST THE CDC, people.


That’s not good at all

Truly bizarre decision that should not have been made without the input of appropriate elected officials including the president.


When we examine mortality in general, without regard to actual cause, the statistics are sobering. I’m not a statistician, so, I can’t say for certain, but there are people who argue that almost everyone is likely to suffer at least one personally fatal event in their life.


Recommended, it is up to the individual States from what I have read.

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I know. I have my fingers crossed that I’ll get my shot.