FDA Advisory Committee Member Worries That Admin Might Rush Vaccine For Political Ends | Talking Points Memo

A member of the committee tasked with advising the Food and Drug Administration on COVID-19 vaccine approval expressed worry to TPM about political meddling in the process of vaccine approval.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1324080

Noooooooooooooooooo. Donnie would never do that, would he?

You bet your ass he would.


Can’t get anything past them.


Chilling words from Mary Trump’ book:

“If he can in any way profit off your death, he will facilitate it and then he’ll ignore the fact that you died.”


TPM reported that the Trump administration plans to start its messaging campaign for the vaccine in the fall, with the aim of “overwhelming the airwaves” by November.

Truth be told…
Trump’s Operation Warp Speed is cutting corners for ill gotten profit and re-election!

Trump is having another presser…

Via Aaron Rupar:

REPORTER: When you look at the percentage of the population that has died from Covid, only 3 countries are worse than the US. How do you explain that?

TRUMP: “Well, I think actually the numbers are lower than others.” (They are not – this is a lie.)



Note that per JHU…

“Looking at the positivity rate (ie, out of all tests conducted, how many came back positive for COVID-19) is the most reliable way to determine if a government is testing enough.

A high rate of positive tests indicates a government is only testing the sickest patients who seek out medical attention and is not casting a wide enough net.

The WHO has issued guidance stating that governments should see positivity rates below 5% for at least 14 days before relaxing social distancing measures.

And US positivity rate is at 7.13%, above WHO benchmark of relaxing social distancing!


I believe the plan is to market the vaccine product under the tradename, “October Surprise” [tm].

Bill Barr, however, is furious. He wanted that name for HIS upcoming expose of how Herr D.ump was maliciously abused by those questioning Russian assistance to his 2016 Campaign.


So Donnie would compound the felony: Made the pandemic worse by doing nothing; now, make it even worse by giving people snake oil like the ;mountebank he is.


Folger’s Instant Coffee narrator (sotto voce)…

“We’ve secretly replaced the vaccine with colonoscopy prep. Let’s see if people can tell the difference.”


It turns out that you can fool some of the people all of the time.

So I would pretty much count on it.

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Almost guaranteed that he will try that, BUT … I think it could backfire with alot of the cult45 members seeing as how they are now rabidly anti-vaccine and firmly believing that Bill Gates is out to get them. I think we might also see a decreased number of flu vaccines administered this year.


There are going to be a bunch of heads exploding if this happens. Strong tribal republicans tend antivax, but if the vaccine is approved for emergency use they’re going to want it the same way they wanted to take anything with -quine in the name. And if members of the vaccine committee speak out against it, that will be a clear sign that the pointy-headed deep state wants to keep a cure away from them, and they’ll want it even more. (Hmm, can we use a sudden desire for whatever injectable vaccines might be available to get millions of their kids protected from HPV and a few other diseases :expressionless:)


A member of the committee tasked with advising the Food and Drug Administration on COVID-19 vaccine approval expressed worry to TPM about political meddling in the process of vaccine approval.

Get the fuck out!

Truthfully, It’d be more shocking if there WASN’T meddling by this so called administration.


Listen to Mary Trump. Trump is a sadistic psychopathic monster.

If millions of schoolchildren died and it helped his re-election, Trump would say that 2020 was a Very Good Year.


When South Korea approves a vaccine, that will be the one to get.


Not O/T just going back to beginning of the day.
So I saw a few clips from this interview, and no I don’t want to discuss what he said, I want to know why he sits in the manner where he is leaning forward? Putin whether the interview is set up with 2 chairs facing each other, or the 2 chairs are at an angle to each other, Putin always seems relaxed and in control. So who told Trump that his posturing during these interviews makes him look like he is in authority or control?
And again the hair and the weight he has accumulated in his face makes him look like a blockhead.

Any insight


I saw a picture on a story om my phone that was taken of him when he was coming back from playing golf and he is immense. He is truly morbidly obese.


You can bet this is coming…it doesn’t even have to be a vaccine that has passed trials, Trump will probably declare that “this vaccine works and I’m signing and executive order to start production!” no matter what stage its study is at. I’d bet on the Novavax, they received a huge pile of money when they haven’t produced a vaccine before; they just had an update about their vaccine. In a real phase 3 trial, it should be past the election before any of them can be shown to be safe and effective in a large enough study (with a placebo comparison), but Trump will try to pull a fast one and declare one of them “ready”, and take the credit for its development (another reason to suspect Novavax as the one called on). It may even come up in the last debate with Biden, so it has the biggest punch.

It’s all going to be nonsense, there will not be a vaccine produced until next year, by anyone, that’s just how the science is going to work. That won’t matter to Trump, he’ll cheat…it’s going to be important to demand the scientific data from any study, and an independent analysis, in order to guarantee that it’s real science and not a political ploy.


Government used to be somewhat orderly in that there was a process that everyone knew needed to be followed, and for good reason. Under Trump, all that is out the window.

Now, we have a Cabinet full of unconfirmed nominees that Trump puts in place anyway, against the Senate’s express wishes. We have a military honoring war criminals while basically firing true American heroes. We have rogue, unidentifiable federal agents on America’s streets inciting violence. We have a DoJ only interested in protecting friends of Trump instead of enforcing the rule of law. And we have an election process that’s being corrupted and manipulated as we speak.

So while I can’t say this is a surprise, it’s nontrivial. In fact, if Trump refuses to allow the vaccine to follow the appropriate process to approval, it’s not too distant from the Tuskegee syphilis experiments on unwitting black people. Just beyond unethical and he should be charged criminally for any adverse events from premature use of the vaccine.


In America, Trump throws government out window.

In Russia, government throws YOU out window!


If they are making book on this in London or Vegas…BET ON IT!