FDA Advisory Committee Member Worries That Admin Might Rush Vaccine For Political Ends | Talking Points Memo

Looks like Vlad might be pushing Trump into a new arms race…


He never, never, never sits back in a chair, and they’re usually upholstered and look very comfy from my perspective. There are pix of him meeting BHO in the Oval, pics of him on TV interviews with NBC and other outlets, pix of him at foreign summits and with Poot, and for whatever reason he doesn’t relax. Alec Baldwin noticed it early on and said it looked like he was sitting on a toilet. And then there’s the position of the hand and short fingers, as if he’s praying but we know he’s not.


When you spend your life sitting or leaning on a golf club, this is the ass you wind up with. I’m surprised he hasn’t threatened to sue the photographer.


If it sounds too good to be true, it might be because it’s not true.

with limited transparency in the Russian program, separating the science from the politics and propaganda could prove impossible. Critics have already drawn attention to Russia’s tradition of cutting corners in research on other pharmaceutical products and accusations of intellectual property theft.


Legend has it that Admiral Rickover, prime mover behind the nuclear Navy, had a wooden chair in his office with the front legs cut a bit short. This had the effect of causing the occupant always to be sliding forward a bit, which would create a certain uneasiness. But that’s a digression.

I would guess that trump’s butt is so large that it pushes him forward, so he can’t lean back comfortably. To me, it looks like he’s sitting on the crapper, which is the most appropriate place I can imagine for him.


FDA Advisory Committee Member Worries Admin Might Rush Vaccine For Political Ends

Of course he will. ANYTHING to get reelected. No matter what.


Baldwin was right. He’s alway on the shitter.

Putin is goading Trump into a fuck up.


No goading needed. Trump will fuck it up. That is just who he is.


It’s going to blow up if they try this. Assuming the vaccine is approved in October on some kind of Emergency Approval, there won’t be enough doses to make it available to the general public. So it will be targeted to frontline workers, including doctors and nurses, who won’t be fooled. The news will be full of stories of people refusing to get it and that won’t help Trump.


Its going to be hard enough as it is to get people to take this vaccine, without an incompetent government shoving it down our throats. Again his narcissism shines through. After he loses I hope he takes his ball, and goes home.


straight to jail, do not pass Go, and do not collect $200.


He’s the country’s biggest shit, so of course he’ll always be on the shitter.

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Imagine. A real authoritarian who murders at will and clamps down on democracy and a wannabe authoritarian who only wishes he could do the same. Someday we’ll learn Putin gave him buckets of money in return for his fidelity and praise and a promise of helping him build a trumPP property in Moscow. .

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Trump will absolutely aggressively promote that he, and only he, has the greatest miracle cure and its coming very soon.


Paging @castor_troy. You said it first.:+1::+1::+1:


Can’t get anything past them.



I would guess that trump’s butt is so large that it pushes him forward, so he can’t lean back comfortably.

He sits forward to hide his gut.


In advance of the classified briefing I’ll hear later today, I reviewed classified documents this morning. They are chilling. Declassify this information. Americans deserve & need to know about ongoing foreign interference (even sabotage) in our election system.

— Richard Blumenthal (@SenBlumenthal) August 4, 2020

Is the info related to the hackable admin console on voting machine where the tallies can be changed and if so is this why Trump is pissed off about voting by mail because he can't win if we have paper backup ballots.

— KathyM ✍ (@KathyMBI) August 4, 2020

It’s also true because he is in a diaper.


Too late, Trump already is a colossal fuck-up. Has been all his life. Probably why Putin picked him.

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Just an FYI … an “Advisory Panel” is just that … “advisory” … FDA administrators can ( and have) chose to disregard the panel’s advice …

  • FDA has approved things that panels have said " no" to
  • and they have said “no” to things that panels have recommended for approval.

so there is precedent for acting contrary to the panel’s advice.

Typically panel meetings are open to the public … and they - on occasion- have gotten quite volatile.

If a vaccine was recklessly being expedited with gross safety issues … that panel meeting would be a total circus!