The FBI late Sunday warned that Saturday’s shooting massacre in El Paso that left 20 people dead could prompt other violent acts of extremism in the future.
My wife works in retail at a mall. She had customers yesterday who said they had decided to leave their children at home while they went shopping, specifically because of El Paso.
The House already passed a bill but Moscow Mitch won’t bring it up…just like every other good piece of legislation.
Tweet - “It’s been 114 days since the House passed the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019 – and still @SenateMajLdr refuses to allow a vote on this life-saving legislation. Every day without a vote, 100 people are killed by gun violence. The Senate must pass #BackgroundChecksNow!”
Other Domestic Violent Extremists Could Become ‘Inspired’ By El Paso
Ya think?
One flaw in the shooter’s attack - why the hell did he shoot up a Walmart? If he wants to go after anti-Trumpers, he should be shooting up a library or maybe a Starbucks? Or did he go in there and target people whose skin was not a perfect shade of white?
In the meantime, the stock market is plummeting thanks to Trump’s steady hand on the economy and his brain dead tariff war. Do the ultra rich think he is dangerous or just a great buying opportunity?
We appear to be a helpless giant. Watching a man who is demonstrably stupid and almost illiterate take down our country is definitely an amazing spectacle. We should all remember, he does not quit until he declares bankruptcy and sues his creditors.
How’s this for irony. His sister Megan was in a restaurant he fired into.
Among the victims killed in the barrage of gunfire outside Ned Peppers, a popular spot in Dayton, Ohio, was the gunman’s sister, a 22-year-old college student described as “bubbly” and “outgoing.” Investigators had not determined on Sunday evening whether the gunman, armed with a military-style rifle and clad in protective armor, had specifically targeted his sister or anyone else in the crowd.