FBI Returns Trump’s Passports Seized During Raid

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.

The Justice Department acknowledged on Monday that three passports belonging to Trump were taken during the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago last week, and returned to him on Monday. The move came several hours after Trump claimed via TRUTH Social that the FBI “stole my three Passports (one expired).”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1428976



The illegaL seizURe of the REAL president’S passpoRTs is CRIMinallY illegal!

  • But Weisselberg still refuses to cooperate with the district attorney’s criminal investigation into Trump and isn’t expected to implicate anyone in the Trump family in his guilty plea, according to the New York Times.

I think Weisselberg’s Trump LLC pension just got bumped a few hundred thousand a year. And a few of his relatives might be guaranteed jobs (no show-high pay) if they want them.



I don’t think Mr. Trump is much of a ‘flight risk’: who would want him? :slight_smile:


Saw headlines that Giuliani has some hard thinking to do down in GA.
Weisselberg wouldn’t flip.
This is very much like the mob. Except the people who might flip aren’t scared of Chump. They’re scared of rando nutjobs on the street. At least flippin’ mobsters only had to worry about 100 other mobsters.

It is going to be awhile, methinks, before we get many folks flipping on Chump. If Jared or Iwanker are doing any tattling, my guess it will be really well hidden. Might eventually come out, but they’ll probably be able to live somewhere else. Chump’s fervor will really have to have died out before any people who want to live in U.S. or don’t have the means to leave the country will flip. Think about how unprecedented that is, the former president is a criminal with 70 million fans, and millions of really deranged followers…causing people to fear for their lives if they dare speak up about an unlimited crime spree.


Slow learner here. Why does Trump have a valid “active” diplomatic passport?


I don’t think they see it that way. Mr. Putin is reported to have said, “What is the use of a world without Russia?”. For GOP pols it would be something like, ‘What’s the use of an America that is not dominated by straight White Christian men?’. For us, America is an ideal. For the right wing it is increasingly reduced to a small set of tribal markers. The GOP is not worried about wrecking the country because an America they don’t exclusively control is useless to them.


In case we ever need him to go to North Korea and negotiate for the return of Dennis Rodman?


Cheney may have been able to keep her seat if she ran as a third party candidate. It still would have been a long shot, but she would have a chance. It doesn’t make sense for her to run in a primary for a fascist party when she rejects their dear leader.

Cheney has served her purpose but we don’t really need her anymore. I can’t forgive her genocidal vote against IRA. Election denial isn’t the most dangerous of the whackadoodle conspiracy theories out there. Climate change denial is.


I think Putin would be happy to have him as a pet.


I would guess because he’s a former president? A terrible one, but it’s possibly a curtesy offered to them.

It’s not likely he’ll need to show it to anyone if he travels because of the secret service detail.

It’s probably one of his trophies that feeds his fantasy as the 45th president.


So, is Trump now planning to flee to Russia and run for President in Exile? Would that strategy work for him?


Trump is a loser and Putin does not care for losers.
Trump was to deliver the good ole USA into Putin’s hands but failed.


That’s a really good question, if true. NBC says the kind of passports is unknown.

Presidents are routinely issued diplomatic passports on inauguration, which makes a certain amount of sense. They are the head of state, after all. But a diplomatic passport is an official government document (as is a green government passport) and should be returned to the government once the hold vacates the position. (At one point when he was on active duty in the Army, my son had three US passports, all simultaneously valid: he had his personal [blue] passport, a government employee [green] passport, and a diplomatic [black] passport. He had to return the black passport when he was transferred to the Corps of Engineers and had to return the green passport when he separated from the Army and left the Corps.) Basically, those passports aren’t yours: they are the government’s and grant the carrier some special privileges and immunities.


He’s not going anywhere.

Even with a crappy legal team, there’s all sorts of ways to appeal and delay any legal proceedings.

If/when he’s indicted, he’ll be free on bail. Unless he’s caught red handed selling TS/SC information to Putin.

There’s too much money for him to make as victim.


Works for me.


Are you sure he failed?


What a terrifying thought. “FPOTUS flees country on a diplomatic passport to avoid prosecution.”

Charge him with something, anything, if only to confiscate his passport.

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