Fauci Urges Federal Stay-At-Home Order: ‘I Don’t Understand Why That’s Not Happening’

Finally broke down and ordered a jig saw puzzle. Apparently my SO and I can’t play board games or cards because we cheat too much. Hope this works.

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WH Spokesperson: He’s colored and they gave him the answers beforehand because - you know - affirmative action and all that.

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See this map of coronavirus cases? The geographic incidence of the Covid-19 outbreak is also growing exponentially. The red bits are going to eventually dominate the entire continent.

And people wonder why Dr. Fauci has not been seen at the nightly coronavirus MAGAt rallies?!

Yeah, then he’s not as bright as we all think he is.

Or he’s being deliberately disingenuous because he thinks that soft-peddling shame at Trump will make him to the right thing.

Which means he’s not as bright as we all think he is.


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You don’t, Doc? Really?
Take a good hard look at your boss.
Now take a good hard look at the people who control him.

First things first. After emptying the treasury and selling off all the nation’s assets, then maybe. We’ll see.

You are doing the right thing. So painful though. My Daughter, Son-in-law, and granddaughter moved walking distance from us a few months back and it is now impossible to see them less than 6 feet away. I don’t know which depresses me more, seeing them or not seeing them. I cry a lot.


Now Bundy is a guy who deserves to get Covid.

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Dr Fauci, my wife and I began our “stay at home” policy a month ago. We sanitize everything that comes in our home, except the dog tho that isn’t a bad idea since she does get dirty… So far we are healthy. We do not need trump to tell us how serious this plague is or isn’t. Since long before 2016 I knew trump could tell the truth…ever. So, I do not trust or believe what he says… He is sown to be a liar in real time …daily now. At some point people will be forced to see trump for what he is.

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Fauci Urges Federal Stay-At-Home Order: ‘I Don’t Understand Why That’s Not Happening’

Really? No idea, Fauci? Not even a guess, huh?

Do you really think Trump gives a shit what the limits are on his powers? If he thought it would make him money or guarantee his reelection, he would have put out an order regardless of if he was allowed to by law. To this point, he thought downplaying the crisis would help him win, now he’s trying to act like he’s been leading the charge against the virus all along, but he still won’t take any actions that go against business interests unless he’s pushed (or if the CEO of a company is a woman he can insult).

Really? You don’t know why? Really? REALLY?

“I don’t understand why that’s not happening,”

This is akin to Brian Kemp saying he just learned that asymptomatic people could spread the disease. Except that its very possible that Kemp is that stupid, likely even, but we know Fauci isn’t that dumb. With him its strategic, let’s hope it works.

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I don’t doubt that China lied and continues to lie about the infection and death rates there. But there is no reason to point fingers. Our numbers on infections are grossly wrong because almost the only people we tested were people who were very sick. Remember the drive through testing sites? They lasted a nano second because we didn’t and still don’t have enough tests to do a thorough job. Mainly in the US you get tested if you are so sick that you are hospitalized.

Unless and until there is a nationwide complete shutdown this thing will go on forever. How in hell is a gun shop “essential”??? What they are doing is picking and choosing which businesses they are going to destroy, and which of their political buddies they are going to favor. For god’s sake shut everybody down for two, maybe three weeks and let’s get past this.

Wasn’t actually pointing fingers. It was a real question, why are we so far ahead of China with the numbers? Thought maybe someone would have some possible answers. Only got one answer and that was that China was lying about their numbers. We’ll probably never know.

Well, of course he does understand why it is happening - because Dump is out of his mind - but he can’t say it if he wants to be able to continue to do the work he knows needs to be done. He’s really in an impossible situation. It’s hard for scientists to negotiate politics, especially when the politics of the time are insane.

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I believe the numbers china is reporting BEFORE I believe the orange demented ones’s screeds.

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Oh we will definitely know - just too late to use that knowledge even if we could.

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