Fauci: NIH ‘Very Adamant’ About Not Succumbing To Political Pressure | Talking Points Memo

Dr Anthony Fauci a leading expert on infectious diseases said Thursday night that he would be willing to vouch for the safety and efficacy of a vaccine when one becomes available, amid continued concern that politicization of the process by the Trump administration will lead to a rushed approval process.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1332772

multiple lawmakers have repeatedly said they do not have faith in
the President’s judgment about a vaccine

What judgment?


I still won’t be first in line.


Fauci’s definitely more trustworthy than the rest, but the times where he has hedged make me feel uncomfortable about trusting him completely.

Sorry, Dr Fauci, I’d still want independent verification from sources not in any way associated with the WH before considering it okay. Even you are tainted.


Fauci can’t stop the rush. But Trump can’t deliver what he doesn’t have – and he doesn’t have a vaccine. Just like he doesn’t have a new healthcare plan, or an infrastructure plan, or a jobs plan. But that doesn’t stop him from pretending that he does. More of same coming up.

@lizzymom Agree. We will all have a lot of research to do on our own.


I watched the interview and it felt like Fauci was dancing as hard as he could. Saying both donnie and the CDC director were correct on the vaccine timelines. I wasn’t fully convinced. Sorry, doc.


When asked during an MSNBC interview on Thursday night if he would “take the heat” if corners had been cut or something was “wrong with the process,” Fauci told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, “The answer, Chris, is yes.”

Contrast that with Drump’s answer: No, I don’t take any responsibility.

That alone ought to doom him.


If I had a nickel …

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I must hand it to Chris Hayes: he did indeed go “all in” with his questioning of Fauci, and did his best to solicit straightforward answers to direct questions; even challenging the doctor to put his reputation on the line to act a human barometer for when the country should feel comfortable with a vaccine. Thanks Chris! Thanks Doc! (And my money is on Fauci for the pickup game of one-on-one basketball they promised to play once the pandemic is lifted.)


Barr said Wednesday in northern Virginia that coronavirus restrictions are the “greatest intrusion on civil liberties” since slavery.

“What Bill Barr recently said is outrageous,” Biden told anchor Anderson Cooper at the forum outside of Scranton, Pa.

"I will tell you what takes away your freedom, not being able to see your kid, not being able to go to the football game or baseball game, not seeing your mom or dad sick in the hospital, not being able to do the things, that’s what is costing us our freedom," he added.


Excellent response, Joe. Keep up the good work.


Good luck, you surely need a lot of it

Fauci told MSNBC on Thursday, adding: “the FDA has made it very clear — explicitly — that they will not be influenced by political considerations.”

I’ll pay you back next week, I promise.

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If Biden is elected he’s going to outlaw all sports.

All energy, and therefore all mass.

Sports will not be the only victim.

I’ve worked in pharma. A coronavirus vaccine will bring kudos to the company that develops it, but will be sold at a relatively modest price, both in the US and overseas and will be two doses and done. It will never be the cash cow that a good cardiovascular, neurological, cancer or other drug that will have to be taken regularly for many years, if not life. So, they aren’t going to risk their company’s reputation and potential lawsuits to please a boob who will likely be gone in January. They will submit when they feel comfortable with the data and without their submission, FDA has nothing to approve.



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Hey there @lizzymom.:raising_hand_man:t5:
I listened pretty carefully to the entire interview and by the end Fauci calmed my earlier fears that he might be “tainted”. In fact I heard him say that the process of development for each and every vaccine should be fully transparent, and that there will need to be independent review of the results not necessarily by him, but by a variety of professional agencies, before he would take the vaccine and recommend taking it to others. True, he continues to sidestep when asked to make political judgements and settle scores between the politicos - and that is frustrating. But I believe he is now being honest in admitting that he is doing so because he doesn’t think it is his role. I can respect that as a professional stance at minimum. So I am really, really glad we at least have him to turn to. The alternative is unthinkable.


The manufacturer has to request an EUA. The one for convalescent serum is a different ballgame, because there is no manufacturer in the traditional sense-hospitals collect plasma from one patient and give it to another, so it’s more of a procedure than a product. The one for hydroxychloroquine concerned an already approved product. That isn’t the case with a vaccine. The FDA can’t immunize (pun intended) a manufacturer against a lawsuit. Only Congress can do that and they haven’t done so.


For what little it’s worth, while it’s clear that Fauci has had to walk some lines that seem to have been uncomfortable to him, it’s good enough for me. You say jump, I’ll ask how high. Because a future vaccine isn’t just for me, it’s for everybody around me.

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