Fauci: It’s Been ‘Several Months’ Since Trump Last Showed Up At COVID Task Force Meeting

Record number of new cases today. But we’re rounding the corner or squaring the circle or doing whatever the fuck we’re doing, so it’s all good. And the reason Trump hasn’t been at these meetings is because he’s been very hard at work drawing up his goals for a second term. Take a look, it’s all stuff people really care about, so he’s done himself a solid here:


“It will go away, and as I say, we’re rounding the turn. We’re rounding the corner. It’s going away,” he said

Well yes if you don’t have a death grip on the wheel and drivestraight off the cliff… you asshole.

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Lots of long fancy words, and hardly any of them are “Trump” and “greatest”. Bla bla bla, bo-ring, let’s talk about something more important, namely meeeeeeeee.

Totally unqualified for the job.

This was known in 2016 by anyone paying the slightest bit of attention.

But Her Eeeee Mayllllz. And Goldman Sachs speeches.


go away discobot –

May I suggest that the current occupant of the WH and his entire family be the ones to permanently live on the moon? With 0G satellite or high speed internet access?

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Without. I think I speak for a suffering humanity when I say I really don’t need to hear from them. Let them sit there and glare at each other until they’re all dead. Sorry if that sounds harsh. :smiley:


Rounding the corner is not a thing. You can round the turn, or you can say that something is around the corner, but you cannot round a corner. A corner is where two walls or streets or any two straight objects meet at an angle. You can’t round it. There are no round corners. Corners are sharp.

You can round a number. That is a thing. A completely different thing.


If you’ve had kids you’ve rounded off many a sharp corner. It is also a colloquial expression. No offense, but this is the least offensive offense of Trump as of late. :wink:


The idiom he’s looking for is “turn the corner,” which the dictionary app on my desktop defines as “pass the critical point and start to improve,” but he’s been saying it wrong for weeks and weeks because dementia has broken his brain. Also he’s an insane liar because we have not, in fact, turned the goddamn corner.


What?! Trump doesn’t do anything,who’d uh thunk it?

Here’s a comic tale about two little scofflaws and their unbelievably incompetent attorney who never learned the meaning of the word “DISCOVERY”:

…and the response to Javanka’s limp legal threats:


Careful, Tony. I assume you’d like to keep it that way.

Sorry, I thought I was writing With 0G (as in zeroG) satellite or high speed internet access. I think I did. But, my brain is not cooperating. Discobot either. I don’t even think they should get to bring food. They could all just go Jeffrey Dahmer on each other, with no weapons, just tiny hands and fingernails. There are times for HARSH, and now is that time. :grimacing:

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Interesting twist to the old " Mountain to Mohammed " phrase …
In this case … Mohammed does not wish to be in the presence of the Mountain …so Mohammed’s schedule of activities will no longer recognize the existence of the Mountain… easy-peazy

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All of them on the moon? … $1000 says within 48 hours Eric or Don Jr. stupidly opens the door to the outside & they all die instantly .


Harsh reality trumps fantasy of cannibalism on the moon any day!

Well, it gets me all riled up and such like.

Hmm, maybe the 7 scariest words are now “I’m a Republican, and I’m in government.”

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More importantly, they’ve never heard of Hustler v. Falwell.

But what work is the task force doing? None that I can see. And it is all being undermined by Trump anyway.

The sad fact that this mountain of excrement is in charge during this crisis is perhaps the greatest tragedy in American history. It will very likely result in a death toll greater than all the wars this country has fought.

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