Fauci Frets That U.S. Could See 100K New COVID Cases Daily

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, gave a sobering prediction of daily American COVID-19 cases when pressed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Tuesday.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1318009

Trump and Trumpism is DEADLY!


Dr. Fauci has given up all of any guarded optimism he had remaining.

He’s preparing the public for what he knows is coming. And the people who need to be listening, aren’t.


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) warned listeners not to put too much stock in the opinion of government health experts who “we, like sheep, blindly follow.” […] He later implored Fauci for a change in tone: “We need more optimism.”

I agree. Let’s be more optimistic about the prospect of Rand Paul’s angry neighbor getting his hands on a baseball bat.


“It’s important to realize that if society meekly submits to an expert and that expert is wrong, a great deal of harm may occur,” he said.

So, it’s better we submit to an optimist with little knowledge of the subject? Man, he’s an incredibly stupid person and an unrelenting asshole. In some ways, he’s as Trumpy as Trump.


As of just after 2 PM EDT

Nate: Trump 56.4/40.4 Disapprove/Approve

A 16 point gap…higher than almost 2.5 years

He’ll be having a Death Fest RNC CON-Vention

There are too many needless deaths for this to go on…and the going-through-the-motions-that-this-monster-is-a-functioning-president has got to STOP.


My question to the senator is, whose advice should we follow? His advice, from someone who was so unqualified to be a physician that he had to invent his own certification board? Trump’s advice (which we know is worthless)? Whose guidance, really?


A larger excerpt from Rand ‘I Drank My Dad’s Kool-Aid’ Paul:

“We shouldn’t presume that a group of experts somehow knows what’s best for everyone. Only decentralized power and decision-making based on millions of individualized situations can arrive at what risk and behaviors each individual will choose. That’s what America was founded on, not a herd with Washington telling us what to do and like sheep we blindly follow.”

Oh, Rand, you’re such a kidder!
What you say? Really?
[headdesk headdesk headdesk]


To Rand Paul: your libertarian bullshit dismissal of “government experts” would by definition extend to elected officials , like Senators. And it would also suggest we shouldn’t have to obey the laws you non experts pass? Have a nice day and get new writers.


You would think that someone who actually contracted COVID-45 would have a tad of a smidge of awareness, even if the whole thing is just another Democratic hoax?


Add to that the new Swine Flue that is coming and that nobody has told Trump about…humanity is overrated anyway…

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Let me step over to the memory hole and see what I can find there.

March 29:

April 9:



Not to worry, Tony. They’ll be the best, most beautiful cases of the hoax virus in the world. After all, “We’re #1!”

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Aluminum I hope, lest a Louisville Slugger crack whilst he cracking Randal’s skull.

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They loosen the restrictions and now we are to our original 100-200K estimate.


Wow. Everyone knows the most effective army is one where thousands of soldiers do what they damn well please based on what’s in front of them at that exact second. It’s Organization 101, man! /S

That’s great in a marketplace, like for blue jeans. No matter how many times I hear it, it’s still weird how everything libertarians see is a marketplace. Emergency surgery, public health measures… It’s all the same as selling chocolate bars, really


Later this week it’s very likely to be 60k on its worst day.
The next week, 80k.

That’s what curve looks like

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Oh, don’t be so pessimistic.

When I taught high school government, I used to tell my students that there really isn’t such a thing as a Libertarian politician, because by definition true “libertarians” don’t believe in government. To your point, Senators should hold an even lesser standing than Doctors, because they need no expertise whatsoever to qualify for their jobs - so yeah, Rand Paul is full of shit.

How much harm might occur to those who meekly submit to the “knowledge” of an utter know-nothing imbecile? Or put another way: if you want to avoid harm (possibly a great deal of it), whom should your put your faith in?


If you look at the bar graph of new cases, it is consistently a sine curve with a period of 7 days that varies up and down. We should be at a low point in the curve at this point but yesterday was the second highest number of new cases ever. This indicates we are in a period of rapid increases and you could very well be correct. Fauci’s statement that we could reach 100k/day is easily in reach if something major isn’t done, like requiring all the stupids to wear masks whenever they are in public.