Fake Trump Elector Brought MAGA Tech Guys To County Elections Office On Day Of Data Breach, Video Shows

One of the sham Trump electors brought tech operatives hired by MAGA lawyer Sidney Powell to a Georgia county’s elections office on the day there was a breach in the office’s voting system, surveillance video footage reported by CNN, the Washington Post and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution shows.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1431084
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Sydney Powell = Irma Grese 2.0


Amazing, the brazenness and stupidity of this adventure. Lock’em up!


One of Latham’s attorneys told CNN on Tuesday that his client “would not and has not knowingly been involved in any impropriety in any election” and “did not authorize or participate in any ballot scanning efforts, computer imaging, or any similar activity in Coffee County in January 2021.”

LOTS o’ wiggle room in that statement . . . and, I’m sure, prosecutors will notice how it leaves out any sort of explanation as to why she is letting these people in the building to begin with.


Another reminder:

Q. What do you call a failed coup.
A. A dress rehearsal.


At this point, short of these morons sacrificing and eating a baby on video, I have pretty much given up hope that anything resembling justice is coming. And even then…

We really are truly fucked and not in the good way.


Scott Hall and Paul Maggio

I am not sure how these two are still freely walking on the street, they have admitted unauthorized breaking into voting equipment…


Throw them in jail. I’m not buying this ‘not willfully would they do…’ Nobody should have been around the voting machines let alone ‘allowed’ to copy data. They pretend to care about voter fraud while insuring that fraud happens.


Well, I guess we’re fortunate it’s a big house: there’ll be rooms for all of these miscreants and their masters.


This ongoing saga of rampant stupidity, grifting and election “trutherism” really is like watching a slow motion train wreck of our system of democracy.

If Mark Finchem and Kari Lake get elected here in AZ, we are going to be engaged in full on conspiracy wars. I get exhausted just thinking about it.


“I gotta put some change in the meter and getta cup of coffee: you boys behave while I’m gone.”


I continue to be astonished by the stupidity and recklessness of these people. You go to prison for this stuff. How do they not know that, or know it and act on it? What did they say to themselves? Are they warriors for the good and right in their own minds? It’s crazy. Most of us don’t do stuff you can go to prison for. We figure it’s not worth it, and that stuff is officially wrong and bad. If we want something, or want to achieve some goal, we seek it legally. I can understand it rationally, but not emotionally, not entirely, and I suspect that’s going to be a hallmark of this period in our history.


OT: Judge removes Griffin from office for engaging in the January 6 insurrection
SANTA FEA New Mexico judge ordered Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin be removed from office, effective immediately, ruling that the attack on the Capitol was an insurrection and that Griffin’s participation in it disqualified him under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. This decision marks the first time since 1869 that a court has disqualified a public official under Section 3, and the first time that any court has ruled the events of January 6, 2021 an insurrection. (https://www.citizensforethics.org/news/press-releases/judge-removes-couy-griffin-from-office-for-engaging-in-the-january-6-insurrection/ )


Sycophants assume they “are” the Cult Leader, eventually…

…as they relate their status to their own llsteners…


“It’s okay if you’re a Republican.”


Ah yes, the founder of “Cowboys for Trump” who never actually did any work I can discern as a cowboy. He was in a wild west show in Paris for a few years. That would make him a circus performer, which I think is circling much closer to what he actually is.



And they are chanting “lock HER up” at his rallies again. Scary stupid


I think that (as was said earlier by others) Trumpism is a broad permission to unleash emotions usually kept hidden.

  • …some people Trumpism would seem to fit

  • …others surprise you


When one doesn’t believe they’re doing anything wrong and, even if they are, they won’t get caught or ‘their side’ will win and exonerate them, I guess it’s fairly easy…


Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client is so stupid that she legitimately thought it was okay to let a bunch of people into the facility without any color of law in order to poke around inside the machines that record and safeguard our democracy. And she didn’t personally carry out any of that poking around, she just enabled other people to do it. Therefore, you must acquit.