EXCLUSIVE: Trump Admin Bypasses Top Career Prosecutor To Name New Acting US Attorney In Atlanta | Talking Points Memo

In another epic destruction of American Democracy, Trump is slowly replacing Civilian oversight of the military with military oversight of civilians.

It starts with ranking uniformed people above all others, (especially if they’ve committed war crimes), placing them in all sorts of civilian positions, and asking the military to enter cities to attack peaceful protestors.

It’s also obvious from the defense secretaries’ open letter a few days ago, that he has been asking the military to also stage a coup and help him steal the elections.

Trump wants to turn the US into a military junta with him as the leader (there are many many deep levels of irony with Trump being the leader of anything to do with the military, but his goal is to fully corrupt the military because of the temporary increase in power they may see, much like he did the Republican Party).


I think he means that Trump will shoot someone on 5th Avenue and that it’ll turn out to be himself.


“Breaking news: Archduke Franz Ferdinand is STILL dead!”

(with apologies to Generalissimo Francisco Franco…)


I wrote a song recently just to stick it to that fucker pointing. If I could reach through time and strangle him or worse.

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He’s got enough time to order a bunch of documents destroyed, and to throw some temporary roadblocks in front of any ongoing investigations.

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Oh stop it. Nothing will come of this. His military background has absolutely no legal bearing on his powers. If he tries to pull something, he’ll be shut down immediately by the courts. The military will NOT go along with his desire for a violent coup. And Trump will fail, utterly. I know that it’s fashionable among certain crowds to declare the death of American Democracy every time Trump does something vile, but it doesn’t work that way. It would take a lot more to destroy it.


Quote from the article…
“Erskine, in the email announcing Christine’s new roll, encouraged its recipients to join him “in welcoming Bobby to the office.””
… … …
And everybody gets a pony!!


Those docs are all backed up digitally in ways not easily deleted, and his idea of a roadblock is to literally throw some logs in the middle of the road.


I think you’re probably right that the former US Attorney wanted no parts of the coming shitshow and Donnie put in his own guy to protect himself at least for the next two weeks. Most of what he does is about getting through one moment to the next.


The “Heartland”.


Trump has a military fetish. He probably loves how they say “sir” on the phone a lot. This guy is gonna be saying sir until it hurts.


I didn’t say Trump will succeed. But that’s what he is trying. And he has made far more inroads in corrupting the Republican Party than even the biggest sky is falling types predicted a few weeks ago.

Beyond that, the stuff that we don’t know about must be serious enough to hat the likes of Duck Cheney and Rumsfeld got together with Democrats to write an open letter.

Just because something hasn’t happened or is unlikely to happen doesn’t mean you turn a blind eye to attempts to make it happen. That’s how you ensure it does happen.


Feels more like fifteen days, three hours and nine months to go…




The Georgia affair has been referred to the FBI, and the Fulton County District Attorney announced that she will enforce the law “without fear or favor”:



Well, this was the easiest thing in the world to predict.


When I was a little girl in Poland, I had a pony!


some believe the President was referring to Pak when he groused about a “Never Trumper” attorney in a call with the state’s top election official on Saturday

does anybody have a shred of evidence / a clue as to what this was about? had Trump been trying to lean on Pak - and not been able to get him to do his bidding - so Trump went snarky on him?
Just have not seen anything that Pak was reported to have done that expressed anything toward Trump in any way …
… am assuming it is demented Trump’s view of - if I ask you for an unethical favor & you don’t do that favor - you are dead to me.


Arrests may not be a goal… during the Saturday call attorney Germany told attorney Mitchell that Georgia could not release information protected by law. She tried to urge him to deputize attorneys for that review. He said some attorneys could consult with other attorneys and that pretty much ended the call.
Perhaps failing to get “votes” their plan b is to get “evidence” to twist. Bj wouldn’t investigate either.


Well, at least you got one…

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