EXCLUSIVE: Bud Cummins Tried To Interest U.S. Law Enforcement In Ukraine Dirt On Bidens In 2018 | Talking Points Memo

A sure sign of corruption that even Inspector Clouseau would find curious🧐


Please elaborate on impeachment extension. I am most interested in impeachment not ending too soon. To me, it is the most effective thing Ds have going, allows them to play offense when otherwise they own no other advantage in govt. I don’t understand how you think the Bud Cummins story helps keep the impeachment train running.


As long as Pat is telling the truth when he blows the whistle I don’t care what his motive is.


I just wonder…why even bother with this charade if the fix in the Senate is in? I thought facts didn’t matter to them.


First, my apologies to SOME Arkansans.

Once more we have evidence that the Family Tree in Arkansas tends to have no branches. Just one tall withering growth of crooked and incestuous morons with nothing to do but cook up conspiracy theories.

At least Cummins tried to break free, sort of. I suspect he truly does not want to be drawn into this shit hole with Rudy.


Cummins is no honestly-duped innocent.

In 2016, Cummins served as chair of Donald Trump’s campaign in Arkansas, then as a Trump whip at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland. He went on to serve on the Trump administration transition team.

#ETHIC. Everyone Trump hires (or hangs with) is either a crook, corruptible, or a coward. Looks like Cummins is actually all three.

He’s a willing, knowledgeable full fledged member of TeamTrump, who now that the Orange ballon is leaking radiation and threatening possible disbarment, is looking for a way to pretend to plausible innocence. My guess is that his motives for “signing up” were something akin to those of Mike Flynn: aggrieved at losing his personal rice bowl, and a willingness to commit treason out of spite.

He is a pathetic weakling, but then again, that is how the Donald rolls.


Does anyone believe for one second that Marie Yovanovitch denied visas “to many who possessed evidence of Democrat, embassy and Biden corruption". It is despicable that Giuliani would spread lies like that about anyone.


What should or could Biden do to counteract this? I know this isn’t just Biden’s fight to fight, but he has perhaps the best ability to refute what is happening or do something that House Ds or SDNY cannot do.

I was never happy that Biden put his hat in the ring. I could care less if he sacrificed his campaign now, if it helped the country. But at this point now, I don’t know if that would help. Do we want Biden going to war against Chump? That would be nice, but as a candidate?

I am also stunned that Chump and Comp. were going after Biden dirt since Dec. last year. I didn’t even think Biden had announced at that point. I am gobsmacked that the only person in the U.S. whom Chump could draw a corollary of foreign corrupt practices got in the race. What are you going to do Joe?


Nope. Total Trumpkin, and a Certified Steaming Pantload.

Nope. He tried to roll Berman, and Berman wasn’t having any of it.


It’s also wholly believable and totally in character.




It’s apparently a little more complicated than that. Lutsenko replaced a previous corrupt prosecutor who was ousted due to EU/US pressure. He was apparently corrupt in a different way. He didn’t ultimately leave office until this summer, when the ukrainian parliament fired him. (He’s held police-ministry positions and parliamentary seats under many different regimes, which suggests that he’s really good at shifting positions and knows where a whole lot of bodies are buried.

If I’ve got the timeline correct, he was prosecutor general the second time Burisma investigations were conducted, i.e. after Hunter Biden had been hired but after all the supposedly corrupt behavior had been done. My guess would be that he knows about all of the corruption, but, since he’s still alive, what he says is in significant part about the wishes of the highest bidder.


There are exceptions–Calvin “Bud” Trillin is one of the best New Yorker writers alive and atypically is a master of several genres, and all the evidence suggests he’s a great guy. But no, generally I wouldn’t want to be called Bud and suspect any Buds I meet are glad-handing fakes.


How old are you?


I don’t think Rudy cooked up these drug deals, he was a useful idiot for Lutsenko’s oligarch.



I call ALL the kids I don’t know at school “Bud.”




I’m inclined to agree!


More bullshit
WaPo ^ | November 24, 2019 at 1:46 p.m. PST | Ashley Parker, Dan Lamothe

Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper asked for the resignation of Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer on Sunday after losing confidence in him over his handling of the case of a Navy SEAL accused of war crimes in Iraq, the Pentagon said.

Spencer’s resignation came in the wake of the controversial case of Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher, a Navy SEAL who was accused of war crimes on a 2017 deployment. He was acquitted of murder but convicted in July of posing with the corpse of a captive.

Esper asked for Spencer’s resignation after learning that he had privately proposed to White House officials that if they did not interfere with proceedings against Gallagher, then Spencer would ensure that Gallagher was able to retire as a Navy SEAL, with his Trident insignia.


As long as they don’t call themselves that. Seriously it’s not a big thing. There are a million fine Buds. Bud Powell, the pre-eminent bop pianist, Trillin like I mentioned, it’s short for “buddy” really. Nicknames can take on a life of their own sometimes, it’s weird. If a person’s behavior is good generally I think we can forgive Bud as a self-applied name.