perhaps some of them have been threatened by THE FIXER…

perhaps some of them have been threatened by THE FIXER…
Hmm. Almost as if the contract and the filing had been arranged for deliberate cover.
He’s been trying to peddle files about Biden for ages … the reports I’ve heard suggest that these are bunches of newspaper clippings and laments from corrupt Ukrainian officials fired for cause. So far as I can decipher the only people he as been able to interest in this fluff are Trump and Nunes’ coterie. I doubt that these files would be any more interesting if Guiliani disappeared.
What he does have that other people do not have is direct knowledge of Trump’s involvement in trying to promote these phony charges.
Shouldn’t these kinds of issues (foreign law enforcement) be dealt with by some department other than US attorneys? FBI, CIA, State? What was a politically appointed turned political operative US attorney doing reporting these “crimes” to the SDNY instead of Main Justice (DOJ)?
He’s pretending that it’s the Bidens and Democrats that want him to disappear. That’s why he’s threatening to release dirt on Joe Biden (even though we all know if he had such dirt he wouldn’t be hiding it because it’s the the thing they’ve all been striving for this whole time).
He’s not sending carefully veiled messages to Trump and the Ukrainians. He’s just being a dumb dishonest shitheel, like usual.
Shorter Cummins: When some nut case walks into my office making dubious accusations about a purported crime I always send it to the appropriate US AG. Wouldn’t you?
Really, Buddy?
Wonder if he sent along some of the allegations Lutsenko made and later retracted.?
What I don’t understand is…
Let’s say I was part of a party that so consistently relied on innuendoes from people that coincided with their self-interest, and unvetted accusations often from shady characters with axes to grind.
The other party holds public hearings with public servants sacrificing in order to testify under oath.
If the parties were reversed, I would seriously be questioning whether I wanted to be a Democrat or not. How is it that this obvious asymmetry is not having a similar effect on more Republicans?
Because most Republicans are greed monsters with fascist tendencies.
At some point we have to accept that these aren’t simply good people with a different opinion on how to achieve the common goal of creating the best country and society possible. They are working toward very different goals than us, and they have a very different view of ethics and morality.
They knew all along, they were just looking for pretexts.
it was terminated after only two months
It lasted at least long enough for money to change hands though…
Hate and Stupid.
What a Combination…
Hmm. Almost as if the contract and the filing had been arranged for deliberate cover.
my guess is that Avenue was offered a more lucrative opportunity re: Ukraine than Tymoshenko was providing — and the other client had different (pro-Russian, which Tymoshenko did not) priorities.
And while i found Bud Cummings most recent registration, it doesn’t mention representing Tymoshenko or anything related to Ukraine – just Qatar and Congo. And the most recent statement for cummings is from March 2, 2018… odd that it hasn’t been updated.
And yet our tendency is to try to make nice and hope some of them reflect on their mistake and line up on the blue side next game. My sense is that we would do better acting acutely angry at Trumpians, actually blaming them for foreign policy failures, regressive taxation, deaths of children at the hands of ICE, and the acceleration of global warming?
But only if there was someone within Trump’s orbit with an equal measure of courage, someone willing to put their name to their statements instead of remaining cowardly Anonymous.
Unfortunately, there is no “White House.” There is only Trump. There is no Republican Party, there is only Trump.
I think we are where we are. I think they got the goods on him, and this weekend is showing us there is lots more to find. The Press is really treating this like a regular scandle, and theres nothign they like more. They never grabbed the Russia stuff,cause Mueller was on it. I think the Rpublican position is jsut barely holding its shape, but is hollow inside.
I find being disappointed in them for moral waffling works best. Righteous anger and they just dig in and defend themselves.
My folks used this on us when they raised us, and it worked a whole lot better that a spanking did! But then mom was a child psychology major…
Lutsenko waged a campaign to push out Marie Yovanovitch, the then-U.S. ambassador in Kyiv, in part by spreading the same allegations that he had sent to Cummins.
Let’s see if I’ve got my facts straight:
Lutsenko was a corrupt prosecutor who was ousted and replaced by Yovanovitch. Later, Putin and Trump conspired to squeeze Ukraine: Trump would threaten aid in exchange for a 2020 hole-card, and Putin would no doubt capitalize on any resulting slack on the battlefield and international stage. Best case: Trump reneges after getting his favor, and Ukraine is left completely at Putin’s mercy until a new US administration shows up.
They assume Yovanovitch won’t play ball (probably wise), but instead of simply dismissing her, Trump & co participate in Lutsenko’s smear campaign. Why? It wasn’t necessary as part of the Ukraine squeeze, or to facilitate it.
Lutsenko is the only person we know of who has a reason to damage Yovanovitch. Discrediting her is probably very helpful as far as facilitating his own comeback. It likely undermines the stated rationale for his ouster, helps normalize his bad acts (by imagined comparison to Yovanovitch’s alleged misdeeds), and Lutsenko can rightly claim (in the right circles) that he got POTUS to do him a favor.
The whole Yovanovitch thing has “family favor” written all over it.
How many republican lawyers and politicians have become “consultants” to Ukrainian and Russian oligarchs? It seems like a lot to me.
The Daily Beast
A confidential review of President Trump’s decision to withhold military assistance to Ukraine has turned up documents that show an effort to justify the decision after the fact
Internal White House emails show an effort to formulate an excuse for why aid was withheld from Ukraine. The effort appears to have only started after the whistleblower report was published.
I hope I live long enough to attend the Broadway musical on this.
Act I: An Orange Pustule Pestilence has captured the throne and commands the the Confederate Nazi American flying monkeys in a reign of terror. The Orange Pustule sets them against the the LAST HONEST counsel to the throne- MOSHA. In the final to Act 1, MOSH is martyred on the cross as sings the show’s signature tune: “But why did you SMEAR ME”. The flying monkeys descend and devour MOSHA as lights out.
Act II ends with League of Justice Foreign Legion commanded by Lord Alex commanding FIONA ,Valkyrie Queen to bring the Gutterdämmerung down on the fleeing villains. Curtain down as they flee into deep Siberia-like wilderness as the flames consume them and FIONA destroys them behind her flight of 1000 P-51 Mustangs. (Still working on final final number)
Well, there was Bud Wilkinson.