Ex-RNC Chair Blasts The Cheney/Kinzinger Censure In Scathing Letter To McDaniel

Whatever advice the Democrats are giving should be laced with fervor–as though it IS a Presidential Election Year. Because:

Dems fall in love
GOPers fall in line (ordinarily…then there are the Trumpers)

I do not know how to reduce the turnout of Trump voters. How does one “un-Cult” oneself?


I would add, “Welcome to reality. What took you so long…”


Racicot defended Cheney and Kinzinger, saying they were “honorably performing their investigative duties and searching for the truth as members of a duly constituted investigative committee,” not trying to “destroy” Trump, as the RNC resolution claimed.

Very tough situation when it amounts to the same thing.

And has any recipient of an open letter, in the history of open letters, ever been pleased with said missive? If you would like to respond to me, I beg you not to do so in an open letter.


I’m not sitting here with a spread of polls and analyses in front of me, but I have been reading about a drop in support for Trump. And I always thought it stood to reason that these people, many of them non-voters until Trump came along, may to some extent drift away of their own accord once he noisily departs the scene as I continue to believe he will. I think his aim is to grift up a storm without ever really getting around to doing the work of running. And he may become preoccupied with other matters.


This is a signal aspect of the modern GOP:

They do not care about administrative capability, competence, morality, ethics or–hell–criminality

And I am not talking about just voters. I am talking about those who are managing the GOP as a political entity.


Well, it seems obvious that at least on the right we’re in a post-policy environment (as well as post-truth), dealing with a politics of emotion. So that’s what the GOP is giving its voters. CRT and truck protests in Ottawa and Nancy tore the speech and God knows what next.


I think Moscow Mitch is every bit as fascist as TDFG. He just pretends to believe in democracy, and he’s not pretending very hard any more. Even those supposed fans of democracy, Kinzinger and Cheney, voted against the voting rights bills and infrastructure and anything else the Democratic party stands for. Like John Roberts, Moscow Mitch wants to install fascism in the dark of night, because he is aware that, other than a handful of oligarchs and power players, nobody really supports what they stand for.


Nice words but until the last sane vestiges of the GOP renounce the GQP publicly, or form a new right/center right party, they are complicit.


That’s a significant characteristic I would pencil in as an explanation for Trumpism. Tribalism as well.

The outpouring of illogic (with COVID, economic policy, wedge issues) is tied together by animosity toward some out-group and commonality within some in-group


They always get their man-boys!


Racicot ended his missive with a plea for McDaniel to reverse the resolution.

WTF? That’s like asking Charles Manson to apologize for the Tate-LaBianca murders.


Or Hitler to retract everything in Mein Kampf.


I think that’s just the surface scrum, the daily whirlpool of outrage that changes constantly based on whatever riles up the base. The deeper waters are the same as they’ve always been. Anti-abortion, anti-tax, anti-regulation, anti-immigration, pro-guns, and White superiority.

That’s the GOP policy platform. Everyone knows it without having it mentioned any more. If that’s what you care about, you’ll vote for whoever the GOP runs for office, even if it’s a clown like Trump.


I just want to breathe the air of freedom, and that means without a mask. And as a red-blooded North American I want my red blood to be vaccine-free. That’s why I’m here today. Oh, and also I have this desire to shoot people.


At least the fascist a-holes are honest about being fascist a-holes. But these clowns trying to protect the republican brand truly make me sick. they had no problem with the lies and fascism and bullshit for decades but now they see it coming to bite them in the ass and they’d rather pretend that they’re above it all when they spent decades making all this possible. When they admit their complicity, we can talk. Until then, they’re all welcome to go fuck themselves.


I take issue with this
I’ll happily vote for any democrat who promises to solve all the country’s ills immediately with a stroke of a pen and without the aid of an evenly split legislature. C’mon all they have to do is EARN my vote or I’ll stay home. and if the cannibal serial killer is elected so much the better as it it will accelerate the revolution


I imagine they’ve all been blackmarketed by now. Canadians: polite no longer!


" presently existing soul of the party"

Cites facts not in evidence.

They always have and always will vote for the most despicable piece of trash with an R behind their name. See Josh Mandel, collectible card game, Boebert, TMFWWNBN DeathSantis etc.


I agree with @mattinpa, though for the hangers on who don’t drop off of their own accord, it seems like the best method to undermine their enthusiasm is to speed up Trump’s departure from the GOP. If someone on the inside, close to Trump, kept pushing him to turn on the GOP, those still following him would end up similarly disaffected by “their” party.


Maxim 29: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy. No more. No less.