Ex-RNC Chair Blasts The Cheney/Kinzinger Censure In Scathing Letter To McDaniel

“ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse,”

Perhaps the most wrong headed disingenuous nonsense you may ever hear from these human warts. As an aside, these same political discourse revelers are taking turns being tried and convicted for the CRIMES they committed on January 6th…somebody’s grip on reality is seriously skewed.


For balance, we talked to at leisure truckers at a local Denny’s in Oklahoma City.


Rona Romney - it’s like looking at a grift horse in the exit port of its mouth.


Former Republican National Committee chair and Montana Gov. Marc Racicot issued an open letter to current RNC chair Ronna McDaniel on Sunday slamming the committee’s censure of Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL).

This is another bad day for Biden and now he’s sure to lose the midterms.


“The defeat of the former president is explained by the fact that legions of responsible citizens, part of that Great Middle of America, voted the way they did because they embraced the very fidelity to their country and its Constitution that the RNC claims to embrace in its Party Platform.” - Racicot’s letter



Which makes it easy, because they didn’t have one.


I recall the platform being to support Trump, tout court, or in other non-words:



Between Racicot’s weak sauce remonstrations and Dubya’s efforts to recruit cringe-y moderate Ducey of AZ to oppose Mark Kelly, to Kinzinger and Cheney, all of these “honorable” Republicans need to stand up and actually refuse to support or VOTE WITH their party while it remains the party of white supremacy, insurrection and voter suppression.


Well said, Gov. Racicot. If there were more in your party with your perspective, we could get back to a legitmate political discourse. As it is, the violent, hateful Trumpist zealots in the GOP base have doomed the party to pariah status in the minds of most rational Americans.

I wish you well in trying to bring some sense of honor and sanity to the (once) noble party of Abraham Lincoln. We agree that Rep.s Cheney and Kinzinger are true patriots who are working diligently for truth and reconciliation, and deserve praise and respect from their fellow citizens of all stripes.


From the article: “In the Republican National Committee’s search for power for its own sake and its obsession with winning at any cost, you have sacrificed, by your proclamation and its revelation of the presently existing soul of the party, the allegiance of a great many, and a growing number, of your most ardent and long-time supporters.”

Sounds like typical GOP hooey. But, if the Former Governor of Montana was not a Republican, I might send him a case of “Cold Smoke.”

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Indeed. And they’ll have all the impact on the Party that Democrats, who invariably behave with similar civility, do.


four years ago


Notice what he didn’t say.



Pass the popcorn.

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The only thing wrong with trying to hang Republicans with the ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse slogan is that it’s just too long for Average Nonpartisan Citizen to remember, and won’t fit on a bumper sticker.


I saw this over the weekend. I doubt it will have any impact other than for the party to start proceedings against Racicot for reasons.


This guy hasn’t been active in party politics since 2004. He is just an example of a former Republican who is not part of the Trump cult, and doesn’t have anything to lose by speaking out… Doesn’t seem relevant to me.


Former Republican National Committee chair and Montana Gov. Marc Racicot is expressing his concern

But despite his carefully chosen words and his attempt to communicate his dismay - he has to get a grip on the magnitude of what is going on… yes, this “censure” is thoroughly idiotic … but Racicot has to up his game - he has to take in the full picture of the violent insanity being spewed by official ranking members of the Republican party …

The GOP is off the rails and on a high speed collision course with giant fuel tanks - with lit tiki torches tied to the front bumpers!
These various official ranking members of the Republican party who are ad-libbing vitriolic incendiary lies and baseless claims and insane call to action - are out of control - almost as though it is a game show that awards prizes to the biggest asshole … AND … one of these idiots is going to get people killed ! some dumb bastard (like that dunce who waltzed into the pizza restaurant armed with an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, a .38 handgun and a folding knife) is going to think they are being called to exterminate some person or group of persons on behalf to these ridiculous ranting dishonest official ranking members of the Republican party.


Just ass covering now they realize how obviously terrible the people they courted and invited to the party actually are. If the terrible wasn’t so stupid and so obvious none of the white glove guys would have anything to say.


Good luck getting this RNC to correct itself much less admit error.

Semi OT but at some point in the past few years the only way to avoid despair over the fecklessness (to be polite) of the USA’s corporate media and justice system was to read well-written, trenchant snark; e.g.,

Joe Biden could fire up a blunt on the White House lawn while barbecuing a passel of pandas and the nation’s last remaining freeze-dried Roswell aliens, and he’d still have some catching up to do to match the lurching lawlessness of the Trump administration. If Hillary Clinton sneezes, the media instantly starts asking about funeral arrangements.

Meanwhile, Trump could show up to work every day looking like a mesh bag full of beluga earwax and sweating like Nixon’s nuts during debate prep, and those same media folks would scarcely blink. – Aldous J Pennyfarthing


Former Republican National Committee chair and Montana Gov. Marc Racicot

Emphasis on “former,” this ain’t his Republican Party anymore. I’m willing to bet Racicot knows that.