Ex-GOP Rep: Not Many GOPers Would Be ‘In The Search Party’ If Trump Went Missing | Talking Points Memo

Repeating my comment from another thread in response to @thunderclapnewman pointing out Comstock’s comments:

Ha, ha, Barbara Comstock. She’s a bog-standard Republican whose voting record was 97% for Trump. She used to tout the support she got from Trump, but in 2018 her district (VA-10) was trending very strongly blue, and she became Susie Collins-concerned about Trump, in an effort to try to cover her ass. It didn’t work. She lost to Jennifer Wexton (D-VA).

Yes, since then she has been critical of Trump, but that’s because she got kicked out because of him. She had nothing to lose by being anti-Trump, and a good reason for resentment of him.


Bye Benny


“Ultimately, Senate Republicans killed the House-passed commission bill in a 54-35 vote, using the filibuster to block the legislation from advancing.” While I can understand the argument for phrasing it this way, it seems to me the clearer truth would be “Ultimately, Republicans lost the vote on the legislation, and had to use the filibuster to keep it from advancing.”

Saying they “killed it” with a losing vote obscures the fact that only the filibuster stopped the majority. People who read this site no doubt know that it was the bipartisan majority that wanted the commission that won, 54-35. But some may not. And in any case, it’s still important to emphasize that they had more votes (including a few GOP ones and not counting the awol Synema).


“I understand Republicans want to get away from Donald Trump,” Comstock said. “I mean, if Donald Trump disappeared tomorrow, I don’t think you’d have many Republicans in the search party. Maybe a few prosecutors, but not Republicans. So they want to get away from him. But the problem is, he’s not going to go away.”

Exactly. As if Republicans are children with no agency to act independently.

Comstock, in trying to excuse or explain away Republican behavior, has instead put a spotlight on their cowardice, duplicitousness, and inability to act in the best interests of the nation.


They’re also ths Coward Party. They encompass every disgusting human trait.


Don’t worry. He’ll still leave a forwarding address as to where you can send him money.


Fingers crossed. Bibi is like the boss zombie in any given movie that keeps popping back up no matter what the folks do.


It’s going to be interesting to see how Fox News covers the trials of the insurrectionists as they blame Trump and Fox News for their criminal acts. I expect Fox will lead with Obama’s birth certificate and Hillary’s e-mails. It would be nice if a case could be made against Fox, though the 1st amendment makes it unlikely.


Sorry, but I really couldn’t care less about what a ‘ex-GOPer’ has to say. Nor could the GQP, for that matter.


Comstock then argued that Republicans want to “get away” from former President Trump, but that he still has a stronghold on the GOP.

That is a self contradictory statement. If Republicans actually wanted to get away from Twice Impeached they would abandon him en masse and he would be relegated to his rightful place in the dustbin of history. The fact that they have not done so is a testament to reality - Trump is the GOP and the GOP is Trump, no stranglehold required, no small “r” republicans allowed.


Would anyone pay ransom for him?


At some point, Trump will be gone.

And when that blessed day comes, the entire GOP will become “Coyote Republicans”.

(So desperate to escape the Trump trap, that they’ll gnaw off their own legs to get away.)


I’d pay for him to go away.


I think I am bothered you felt the need to explain that reference… I see it as perhaps a decline in Americana…

Talk is cheap, ma’am. So long as the GQP publicly stands behind Trump, they’re owned by him.

Spare me this endless stream of drivel about some supposedly “silent majority” opposition. Without action, it’s meaningless.


Many are missing the point, which is, there is no post-Shitstain era until the cult is eliminated. Whether the messiah is alive or not doesn’t matter any more—they believe they must destroy the country to save it. There is going to be an asymmetrical battle going on, with violence and bloodshed, forever until some solution to the cult is found, and we’re a long way from finding it right now.


Coyote Ugly…
Commonly resulting from

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A few weeks ago Comstock concluded a NBC or CNN interview by claiming the Democrats supported Trump for the 2016 nomination because they expected he would lose.

Nothing can be the fault of conservatives.


The perceived need for a two-party system is something their cowardly souls cling to. Because I have studied the mechanisms of Symbolic Interactionism,** I can understand just how men with not enough courage to form two sentences in succession without lying can get away with passing themselves off as adults (all the while the nation is confronted with multiple existential challenges).

It’s the goddamned business suit and the politics rap…and the stern, “knowledgeable” look.

**many other people who have not studied Symbolic Interactionism have been known to have the same abilities: It’s called Having Common Sense :thinking: