Stephanie Grisham, former communications director and press secretary for then-President Donald Trump, revealed on Saturday that she has seen Trump showing classified documents to people at his Palm Beach resort.
Did this happen before or after his term ended? It sounds like after but it would be nice to know more about the timing and the people he was showing off the documents to.
Legally speaking it would be against the law for donnie to show classified papers to anyone not cleared to see them. In office donnie would be protected by the DoJ immunity memo. But out of office he would be in deep doo doo for doing that
I don’t see any evidence in his 7+ decades of life Donnie has committed any crimes. At least none proven in a court of law. Nothing he does is against the law. He isn’t subject to our laws. AND NO ONE HAS EVER PROVEN THAT ASSERTION FALSE.
Shartnozzle had a string of real bullshitters at the communications helm, but I can’t remember either S. Grisham or A. Griffin, speaking up about anything even once when they were in the administration. I must be mistaken but I can’t remember ever hearing either one of them speak until they were out.
Stephanie Grisham, the White House press secretary who never held a briefing for the media during her nine months in the position, is shifting from the West Wing back to the East Wing where she will become first lady Melania Trump’s chief of staff and spokesperson.
If she had a clearance and saw this, she was obligated to report it and could/should lose her clearance (or not get it renewed if she ever gets in a position to need it again) for not doing so.