Even Bill Barr Is Calling Out A Former US Attorney For Sucking Up To Trump | Talking Points Memo

When even former Attorney General Bill Bar is saying you’re playing politics with false claims about voter fraud, you’ve got issues.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1381105
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OT, but I hope you’re ready for him to be POTUS in 2025…

Florida Gov. DeSantis said he wants to provide Cuba with internet access amid widespread protests

Because the embargo that prevented it was so smart in the first place…


Better that Barr keep his mouth shut rather than reveal the Trump ass kisser he was.
There’s something seriously wrong with these folks.


I wonder about ‘sore loser’ laws (loser in primary can’t run in general election) I would love to see, for instance, Susan Murkowski, run as a write in or as an independent if she gets bumped by a magat. Even better if D wins in 3 way race (Payback for Al D’Amato)

If their betrayal and humiliation by Trump is severe I hope other Rs do the same thing. I would love to see an article assessing the feasability.


Ronnie’s got to get the Cuban vote somehow!


If Trump is still around in 2024, DeSantis and any other Repub who plans to run for POTUS is going to have serious problems with him. Trump will not willingly give up any control he has over the GOP, whether he runs for POTUS or not. The GOP candidate for POTUS needs to be seen as the leader of the party and control the finances, which could only happen if Trump has gone to his just rewards.


Trump has already lied five or six times by the time most of us have our first cup of coffee. That is one of the reasons people find him so entertaining — the sheer chutzpah is something that many people get a vicarious thrill from listening to.

Note how even the exaggerated claim that Barr did not want the would-be GOP gubernatorial candidate to talk about voter fraud turns into “Barr wouldn’t let him investigate,” a significant difference and part of Trump’s characteristic approach to drowning the truth with a firehose of incremental lies.


Rest assured: Trump will be gone. He’s useful from now until some time in 2023, at which point, if he still around doing damage and preventing the GQP’s new and improved, younger, less-damaging, perhaps the one who can finally help them set up their permanent kingdom messiah-god-king from being crowned and canonized, the billionaires will get rid of him.


Every Republican running for office is morphing into Obvious Steve the Office Suck Up.


HA! Go for it Ronnie. Hasten the day!

The leaders of the local Cuban community don’t really want to see the Castro regime fall any time soon. When it does they lose all their lovely leverage in Florida and US politics.


Nah…as long as they remain a loyal bloc for the GQP, they’ll get their pandering in some other form. It’s the Republican politicians, not the Cubans, who want the issue to remain alive forever, because if it doesn’t, they’ll have to find a new angle to pander from.

Problem is, there’s always a new angle to pander from when you’re willing to be a neofascist. There are endless ways to use cultural resentment propaganda to wedge the body politic while promising the ones you want votes from that you will assist them in oppressing the rest of the people they’re being trained to hate.


McSwain throws himself under the bus, bold face lies, for Trumpy and gets his reputation flushed down the toilet. These Trumpers are never going to learn. More Republicans eating Republicans.


McSwain and Barr, who oh whom to believe? Neither and a pox on both.


Offer US statehood to Cuba and Puerto Rico and watch the whatever hit the fan!


Nah … we’re only 16 months away from the oh-so-important-we’re-gonna-retake-the-house-and-the-senate-then-impeach-sleepy-joe 2022 midterms and tRump™ along with his the rats remain high and dry on board the USS GQP.


My prediction is Trump is the 2024 candidate. Even if he strokes out and is confined to a wheelchair.


Bill Barr is desperately trying to redeem his big, fat, corrupt ass!


With Stephen Miller emptying his … er … senior advising him!


At what point do we just start universally referring to these grundle-licking salad-tossers as Reek No. [Insert Serial Number]? It’s like GOT meets Clone Wars.


Yes, and part of me is hoping that he can and does run.