Even After Trump Declared a National Emergency, Some Talk Radio Hosts Weren’t Convinced | Talking Points Memo

No ill will towards Spain (France, Belgium and Switerland are in the same boat) but Westchester on a per capita basis might be the global hot spot and it is stressful being in the midst of it. We have 1/8 the population of NYC yet 1/4 of the cases. Applying the toy model I put together, I estimate that ~5% of the county is currently infected.

The Faroes and Iceland are also getting hit hard on a relative basis…

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Or Michelangelo. I think this one works perfectly

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I’d prefer an orange body bag, but I’ve probably just had too much coffee today…


“I picked a bad day to quit methamphetamines”…


I want my Joe TV


Thanks to the gridlock caused by our two party system, our democracy keeps inching closer and closer to putting a crown on the POTUS’s head. Yes, thank goodness our states are still fairly autonomous at this point. I’m worried sick, but I am heartened by the actions of many of our governors.


Mark Levin? Steve Bannon?? Don’t make me laugh; these fools have nothing to say of any interest to a person with an IQ over room temperature.


Sun-Tzu always said to know your enemy…

Levin, on the other hand is a mere jester…


Nothing conservative about that dumbfuck. Nothing.

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In Green Bay, Wisconsin, local talk radio host John Muir — whose show promises “a dose of the facts”

A homeopathic dose, apparently.

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FUCK NO. There are no conservatives among these mouth-breathers, and no conservative Republicans in congress. None. Zero.

Jack London had the type pegged:

a magnificent atavism, … so purely primitive [as to be] of the type that came into the world before the development of the moral nature.— Jack London


we’re going to have to make some difficult tradeoffs

Let Republicans take your money or your life.

Free choice.

If you wish to compare China’s experience with our flu season, then you must compare China’s response to the outbreak with that of other countries, including the U.S. Although it was slow in reacting, China had the power to, and did, essentially shut down the entire country, provided test kits and medical supplies while building huge hospitals in a matter of days. Without that type of response, the numbers would be quite different. Making this type of comparison, our flu season with China’s coronavirus results, is terribly misleading. Finally, not every expert in the U.S. has political bias, and yet the overwhelming majority of real experts in the field suggests these measures.

Talk radio hosts have never been known for their intelligence or perspicuity. In a just Universe Darwinism would prevail.

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Between the right-wing nuts and the religious nuts, we have two grave social pathogens loose in our society. They threaten to render us unviable as a nation-state.

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Sorry but “conservative” doesn’t mean what it use to mean and it’s time to give up that old definition. Conservatism is exactly what Trump is, there is no difference and there hasn’t been since at least Newt Gingrich entered the scene.

Must disagree. How many people die from mass shootings does not matter to gun nuts. Since we haven’t passed any meaningful laws in the past 8 yrs, why would we start now with this?


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I’m rooting for the Pika.

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But maddening that it has.
Yes, I know, glass half empty.