Even After Trump Declared a National Emergency, Some Talk Radio Hosts Weren’t Convinced | Talking Points Memo

Oh, no. MIchigan just posted the coronavirus info. 507 new cases and 19 deaths.

Totals are 2,295 and 43.



Yes, Michigan (I gather mainly Wayne Co.) is now about to get a taste of NY…

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So sorry.

The US was always going to surpass Italy in total number of cases for pretty obvious reasons - square mileage and population. Italy is roughtly half the size of California. Puts those almost 8000 deaths there in perspective. :sob:


Yes. 1,222 in Wayne County, which includes Detroit. 21 deaths. A couple of other counties are rising much higher, too. Population density.


We blew past Italy in the number of active cases today…


As a New Yorker it would be a just payback for all of the 40 plus years of tax benefits he received from the city and state.


Meanwhile in Bolsonaro country…


Yeah I saw that.

Right now I’m really worried about Spain.


The orange corridor is I81 a real hot bed of deep thinkers. Number of years ago I was driving along that route while taking my mother to visit her grand kids in NC. We planned to travel some of the Blue Ridge Parkway, something she had never done, among other stops. Needed gas so I stopped and was filling-up when a 1/2 dozen cops come screeching in, circled the gas pumps blocking everyone in. Next thing I was told at gunpoint to get on the ground. Seemed someone had called in a drug deal going down as they saw my arms were covered with needle marks. Apparently in their minds that was a sure sign of a drug dealer and why else would I be pumping gas but as cover for a drug deal. Cops had a hard time believing that needle marks were the result of 6 weeks of cancer treatments I had completed a few days before. It took a judge’s call to my doctor before I was let go. I81 the highway of fools.


The fascisti keep dicking around, the people really are taking control on the most basic levels. The fucking autocrats better watch out.


…and handing out soap and imploring people to wash their hands.

The world has turned upside down.


Just being a conservative anything means never having any consequences. Voters, Elected Officials, Talk Show Hosts, etc.


I think it’s hard to grasp, in real time, quite how quickly the American civic and political order has collapsed. Things will get better, with luck, but there is no coming back from here for a long time. The country is rotten. Americans–or a very significant percentage of them–are filled with superstition, ignorance, hatred, nihilism, cultural and spiritual disorientation. For a long time we have managed this disease by entrusting power to a world-class scientific and business elite, but that was always a precarious set-up, and utterly doomed once the Republican Party embraced the national ignorance and fear as its ideology. Water finds its own level, as my grandmother used to say.


I wonder what they’re going to say to the guy who wanted to hoard a potential vaccine for domestic American use only.

They’re too classy to humiliate him, but they really should.


Ok that hasn’t happened at all. You know how I know that? Because our civic leaders are running the country and running its response to the pandemic and doing it well.


And, of course, when people noticed auto crash deaths were on the rise in the 1950’s, NATIONAL STANDARDS were implemented to lower the rate. NHTSA was formed, highways were redesigned, and Federal auto safety standards were implemented.

And auto deaths per 100,000 came down. Thanks to national standards implemented by the Federal Government.


A post of mine from another thread

["This week is the week in which the GOP will be able to message and message some more.

Next week will be a different story.

The Geometric Increase of Covid-19 will render comical all of the FOX/Trump/GOP/RWNJ messaging.

No need to explain in words what should be readily obvious to people who can read graphs. So let Trump “allow” this. Or “not allow” it. Either way his coming week will be much worse than this one.

Oh…and “blaming Dems” for this Geometric Increase is OK too. Because right after a RWNJ starts the Blame Game, the RWNJ is then going to have to do things and think about things that “the libs” are a hell of a lot more comfortable doing:

Like what people in WA are now doing."]


I agree. And I do not think his approval rating is going to keep going up. Not at all.


They should visit nursing homes in WA. Then prove to us that this is a hoax. Limbaugh should just shut up, he is one of the most vulnerable to Covid-19.


Garbage collectors are the first line of public health.