Even After Trump Declared a National Emergency, Some Talk Radio Hosts Weren’t Convinced | Talking Points Memo

A post of mine from another thread

["This week is the week in which the GOP will be able to message and message some more.

Next week will be a different story.

The Geometric Increase of Covid-19 will render comical all of the FOX/Trump/GOP/RWNJ messaging.

No need to explain in words what should be readily obvious to people who can read graphs. So let Trump “allow” this. Or “not allow” it. Either way his coming week will be much worse than this one.

Oh…and “blaming Dems” for this Geometric Increase is OK too. Because right after a RWNJ starts the Blame Game, the RWNJ is then going to have to do things and think about things that “the libs” are a hell of a lot more comfortable doing:

Like what people in WA are now doing."]