Evangelical Politics Editor Quits Over Publication’s Embrace Of Trump

A longtime politics editor of an evangelical magazine quit over his publication’s embrace of President Trump, escalating the rift over impeachment among a key demographic of Trump’s base.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1281577

Napp Nazworth? Do they only hire children’s book characters?


Taken over the GOP, now taking over the Evangelicals. Because he acts like a clown, I have to say there are many times I have made the mistake of not taking this Mafia Don seriously enough. I can’t understand why anyone would follow a nimrod like that, but apparently…


Wait a minute…so the political editor of an evangelly mag is surprised/shocked when his mag’s bent declares it to be pro-Republican? Has he lived on Earth the past ~20 years? How the hell did this stun him so severely that he decided to cut bait?

In other news, Highlights magazine announces it’s pro-children and Guns and Ammo declares support for the NRA…


That editor deserves praise for not only making what must have been a difficult decision, but for publicly stating the reason. I hope others will come to that reasoning and show as much courage.


I take issue with the phrasing “embrace”.

Evangelicals have bear hugged trump and his evil malfeasance.


The cracks in the dam never get smaller.


He’s no Zap Brannigan.


No. He said his employer had firmly come out pro TRUMP. The article says in the past the paper had sometimes supported Trump’s action and at other times gone against it. Coming out in full support of the person and not the policies was what tipped the scales.


When I’m in command, every mission is a suicide mission.


[The Washington Post reported that while at least 2,000 people cancelled subscriptions (of Christianity Today), its gained about 5,000 from a younger demographic.]

Two steps backward…five forward.

I’ll take it.


It seems to me that if one is evangelical then by definition they are predisposed to accept authoritarianism in one form or another. Now that is not to say that they are universally bad people as there are certainly Christians - as there are members of every religious group - who truly strive to live by the best of their own sects stated philosophy.
However, what they have in common is that they willing surrender their own agency in many circumstances ("it’s god’s will) and thus absolve themselves from responsibility. Furthermore, many of them claim the agency of their god as an excuse to force behavior in others from the simple act of proselytizing through coercion by legislation to the extreme of inquisition. Fealty to trump lies somewhere between options two and three.


Okay people, you all should know the drill. Sheep over here, goats over there. Thank you for your cooperation.


Counterexamples exist.

And you might not have correctly summarized the Christian doctrine of free will, either.



These are good points and, as I stated, not every religious person is willing to accept the secular authoritarianism of trump let alone the despotism of Hitler. However, even within the Christian doctrine of free will, they leave the decision of dispensation of ultimate consequences to a higher authority. And in the cases where they believe that their deity will forgive them they can often gain absolution without seeking it from and/or making amends to those against whom they have transgressed.


Splitting hairs.

He was trying to keep up the fiction that his co-religious hadn’t replaced worship of God with worship of Trump. Glad to see him finally see reality, but sad it took so long.

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It always cracks me up when people talk about their imaginary friend as if it’s real. It’s probably why we spend so much time ‘debunking’ GOP BS talking points…we’re so used to treating people’s imagination as if it’s real. If there is ONE take home point of the last 5-10 years, it’s that we should have a good grip on reality as it’s more important than people’s imaginary BS.

And as a slight aside, it’s not any more disrespectful for an atheist to poopoo religious minds than it is for a religious mind to expect an atheist to treat their imaginary friend like it’s real.


I’m happy to see this for two reasons. It’s well past time Evangelicals had a heart to heart about their support for Trump and how it comports (or doesn’t) to Christ’s teachings.

Secondly, like a game of Jenga, taking away a block providing significant support weakens the entire structure causing it to list to one side, possibly resulting in complete collapse. May it be so.


Like lemmings, following Trump to the slaughter.