Ernst Offers Lukewarm Defense Of Cheney Amid Silence From Most GOPers | Talking Points Memo

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) on Wednesday offered a lukewarm defense of Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as House Republicans suggest that the third-ranking Republican’s ouster is in the cards.

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I am no fan of Joni Ernst, but what she is doing is right.

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Ernst is offering a pretty weak argument given that she bragged about castrating pigs. Who’s the pig?


Hog balls for cheney.


Careful, Joni, the mob’ll turn on you too, if you don’t bend the knee!


Lukewarm? Or Piss Pour?


Who knew that Joni Ernst had a lick of sense? And her lick of sense is more sense than is in the entire rest of the Senate GOP taken as a whole.


These intra party squabbles are entertaining, but not helpful. Trump has no loyalty to any one member, nor to the GOP it self. Someone’s going to get hurt and Trump will weasel out of an apology. We’ve read this script before.
Can we not remember when he sent a cease and desist letter to the RNC and some other org to stop using his likeness for their fundraising?


Ernst: “…I know many Republicans that feel very strongly about their stance: pro-Trump, not for Trump, whatever it is.”

Shitty people on both sides.


“100% of my focus is on stopping this new administration,” McConnell said.

Stopping them from what exactly, Mitch?

Every ad against this bozo should start with this quotation, followed by list of positive things the administration has accomplished.


This comes as no surprise. Republican women are renowned for their unflagging support of other Republican women from time immemorial.

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Is this a secret ballot? If so, maybe some other Rs can find their cojones.

She starts off with an advantage of having two X chromosomes.


“Any elected official should stand their ground. If you feel firmly about something, you should stand your ground,” Ernst told Politico, referring to Cheney.

Qevin McCarthy: “I’m glad to hear those words of support from Senator Ernst, because I firmly feel that Liz Cheney should be stripped of her leadership position.”


Trump’s presence has harmed American political discourse. Watch what happens when people pay less attention to him.

Give THAT a chance. Hopefully, Ernst will be joined by others.

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I hear the farmer sharpening his axe. Time is running out to save the Cheney-bird.

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No trying to work with the administration to see if Mitch can get some of what he wants.
No attempt at compromising to scale back what Biden has proposed.

Just stiff-armed resistance to everything.
Because that’s all the GQP has anymore.

They are increasingly pathetic.


Any elected official should stand their ground. If you feel firmly about something, you should stand your ground,”


Mitt Romney

Every person of conscience draws a line beyond which they will not go: Liz Cheney refuses to lie. As one of my Republican Senate colleagues said to me following my impeachment vote: “I wouldn’t want to be a member of a group that punished someone for following their conscience.”

“I wouldn’t want to be a member of a group that punished someone for following their conscience.”

And yet he is. He is a Republican. The majority of Republicans across the nation are punishing Republicans who refuse to regurgitate The Big Lie, prostrate themselves before Satan’s Avatar and deeply kiss his vile ass. This will not be fixed until the majority of Republicans come to their senses. I consider that to be an extremely low probability event.


In the Social Change/Collective Behavior Game, there is the idea of the dynamics of people taking a stand, sometimes against what seems popular at a particular time.

I do not believe that Ernst and her opinion(s) carry as much weight as some other Senators. But there are others who could help this trend along.