Ernst Offers Lukewarm Defense Of Cheney Amid Silence From Most GOPers | Talking Points Memo

“And again, I know many Republicans that feel very strongly about their stance: pro-Trump, not for Trump, whatever it is."

Pro-truth, not for truth, whatever it is, is Ok by the Senator. Not that this is surprising.


I agree. And it is something that is under our control. If we passed the Big Several Bills we are trying to get through Congress, the event (Republicans coming to their senses) would be a low probability but a “higher low”.

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“Ernst, who is the only other Republican woman serving in elected leadership”

Really, this clarifies any questions about Ernst’s situation.

There’s a difference between being in the party and being a member who is considered to be on an equal footing with her peers. If there’s any doubts that women have a different status on the GOP, just look at the makeup of the leadership as shown in the many photographs routinely taken in leadership meetings over the years. In my view, the term “token” almost overstates their representation.

The problem for Cheney is that tokens in symbolic positions aren’t supposed to diverge from the party line.


“100% of my focus is on stopping this new administration,” McConnell said.”

Methinks the distinguished gentleman from Kentucky needs some remedial lessons as to why he was elected to office.


It’s of a piece with Romney’s implicit acceptance of lying- Cheney’s red line is she won’t lie, but if you feel differently about lying, that’s okay!


(noun) Venality quality of being venal: prostitution of talents or services for a reward.

He doesn’t even remember that as part of the job you’re allowed, even encouraged, to govern. A bit of lip service, a curtsy in its direction. Nope, it’s all rabid opposition all the time. Just sickening.


The GQP is replete with cowards of every ilk and description…there is no other explanation for their irrational fear of a long time loser like Trump…he will destroy most of them before he is through…

Your friendly reminder: FUCK. THEM. ALL.



I do not believe that the Republicans would come to their senses. I believe they are lazy. I believe they would scream about deficits and the need for austerity while not putting an ounce of effort towards trying to find common-ground solutions that would be palatable to both parties. They are not a “useful opposition.” They have become “winner takes all.” If they don’t win, they scream foul, lie, pout and obstruct. When they have power, they cheat to stack the courts, they transfer wealth to the wealthiest and privatize profit while socializing risk. They have become an impediment to society on multiple fronts.

Religious bigotry. Moral hypocrisy. Supporting racist voter suppression. They claim the loss of liberty while working to deny liberty. Non-fact-based government by ideology only. Anti-science. Corporate lapdogs beholden to their dark-money masters. They scream about socialism while myopically ignoring their own fascism. And guns. Jebus, the guns! Guns for everyone! Guns for nuns! Guns for babies! Guns for the dead! And all the while feigning “thoughts and prayers” to all the victims of mass slaughters. One might conclude that they are evil…or ignorant…or both.


Liz Cheney to Qevin: Fuck your feelings.


Jeez, Joni. I’ve seen better support from a Playtex Living Bra.

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Worked for him under Obama.

Didn’t work in defeating Obama in 2012 or Obamacare, but that’s all that got through, and they won back the House in 2010, Senate in 2014, blocked the Garland nomination and nearly everything else, and won the presidency in 2016 and got a bunch judges because of it. It’s a good strategy for him.


And it certainly hasn’t done any lasting, long-term harm to either his party or our country… :roll_eyes:


Shouldn’t Mccarthy, Ernst, and McConnell be focusing on serving their constituents as their number one priority, not gaining seats, or trying to cause the government to fail?

As one of my Republican Senate colleagues said to me following my impeachment vote: “I wouldn’t want to be a member of a group that punished someone for following their conscience.”

Well, Mitt old chap, that decision point is upon you. I’d like to say I’m curious which way you’ll ultimately decide to go, but it’s not really curiosity. More like fascinated horror, and some pity.


The real problem here is that the Democrats are so divisive and refuse to negotiate with the Republicans.


So I guess old Joe Manchin’s dreams of bipartisan legislation just flew out of the window?

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When will we see a sternly worded letter from that fraud Collins.

OK Moscow Mitch. We’ll go it on our own and not even bother to ask or accept any Republican input while we draft and pass legislation that Americans need and want. And also, too, that means we won’t have to water down any of our ideas to try to compromise with the R’s. Sounds like a win win for our side.

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