The leaders of organizations for Native Americans are raking CNN commentator Rick Santorum over the coals after he claimed there was white colonizers “birthed a nation from nothing” in America and that “there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.”
Speaking of embarrassing racist things, how many here remember the 1985 MOVE bombings when the government blasted an entire city block to oblivion to eliminate a black civil rights group?
Rick has always been a jerk. Ah the treasured memories of the time he crashed a college party in 1977, tried to pick up a girl and she turned around and slapped him in the face. Didn’t stop that fool from another try where he got smacked down again and we laughed at him! Rick was a real life Navin Johnson in 1977 and he still is.
He never got over Bob Casey giving him the smackdown that he so richly deserved.
Just a reminder from Eric Boehlert’s Press Run about CNN!
During the 2016 campaign, that same Jeff Zucker privately offered the Trump campaign media advice, and floated the idea of CNN giving the GOP candidate a weekly TV show.
CNN has always had a Republican bias that goes back to it’s very start under Ted Turner.
Savage announced the winning entry, which defined “santorum” as “the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex” .