Election Workers Falsely Accused As Part Of Big Lie Sue Gateway Pundit | Talking Points Memo

It’s time for a session in the re-education chamber for you.


You’re assuming that she likes him.


That should say, “$10,000,000 for each of the plaintiffs.”

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Wait, don’t tell me, let me guess. “The Teevee told me that the Libruls are vote-cheating their pants off, so we have to cheat too, to make it even.”

What did I win?


No. It looks like my own misunderstanding.

Arrested for indecent exposure.

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Since Trumpy accused these workers by name, on national television, they should sue his ass into oblivion, in addition to Gateway Pundit.

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Consequences don’t come fast enough to stem the torrent of lies. We are doomed.

Heck, just show the jurors his suitcase stroll to Cancun, and his later statements.

Forget truth etc. They’ll convict him just because he’s an asshole.

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Killing a bunch of innocent women, in other words.

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Don’t the French have recipes for fried pork?

Evidence that Ted Cruz was an asshole on a different occasion is not admissible to establish that he knew the beagle thing was false or that he was recklessly indifferent to its truth or falsity.

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I was pointing out that overturning Roe v Wade will enrage a whole lotta women and men who support them in their rage…like me. I think you might’ve missed the context of that back and forth. The Goobers do not want women to decide about their own bodies. To me that is so very basic. Anyone should make those decisions themselves,not some pig headed government Goober.

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As a US Senator, Cruz could easily find out if his claim is true or not. Cruz has the government-funded resources to determine whether Fauci, an administrator, spends any time in a research lab, personally conducting experiments. Cruz is using his status as a public figure to smear Fauci. Elected Republicans love to take shots at bureaucrats like Fauci because they feel safe going after people that don’t normally have a public platform to fight back.

If Cruz was not a sitting member of the Senate, House or government organization with access to Fauci’s activities, I’d agree that Cruz couldn’t be sued.

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Is that like Barry and other Barry?

You should probably go and read my earlier post on all the other barriers to recovery Fauci would face in a defamation lawsuit against Cruz. It’s totally not worth the suit, even if you want to nitpick item 1 on the list.

I was amplifying what you were saying. Killing Roe v Wade will result in the deaths of many innocent women who need abortions but can’t get them. Beyond ectopic pregnancy, preeclampsia, and late term miscarriages, there will also likely be suicides.

The deaths of women who could have been saved by a simple legal abortion have to be thrown in the faces of the christo-fascists on a continuing basis. This is also the ultimate basis of our rage to take this back from the nazis.


Actually, I did read your post. What I focused on was more political than legal. It reminded me of so many times that Republicans have pushed misinformation, conspiracy theories and lies about some public servant, knowing that they were in positions to know better. I was thinking it’s less about the truth and more about their ability to pander to their base while scoring some political points. Trump vilified Fauci because Fauci refused to play along with Trump’s COVID spin. Fauci’s gotten death threats and been the target of the RW echo chamber. Cruz is just piling on because he can.

Have a good day.

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I hope women come out in droves to vote in the mid-terms and turn out the Goobers from office. Show them the door and hope it kicks them in the ass on the way out.



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