Election Official Has Grim Warning About A Future Of More Big Lies

Don’t let Georgia feel neglected!


I ain’t taking the rap. I spent way more money than I should have, voted the right way, talked to co-workers and family, wrote letters and texted local media. Could I have done more? Of course.

We’ve got a lot of eggs in the Jan. 6th Committee basket, I think we all need to do what we can to lay groundwork for their report. I know it’s going to be a shitshow of epic proportions, that’s why we need to help them out as best we all can.


In point of fact, the Right knows this…that’s why nearly every news topic is centered on the Right and the damage they have done/are doing/will do…

Like abortion and Roe
Like Replacement Theory and its dangers
Like this particular article
Like the fears of the GOP taking one or both Chambers of Congress

…sort of softens us up to handwringing mode leading up to an otherwise formidable achievement: The J6 Committee Hearings

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Well, once the state legislatures in so many midwest and southern states CHANGE the laws, so that the corrupt new election workers are indeed following new corrupt laws, then we’re fucked.

And once the Trump – I mean Roberts – Court determines that state legislatures can appoint Electors in any way they choose, then they can just do away with those pesky and expensive presidential elections, can’t they. Where does the Constitution say the states have to have an election?


The general theme of the removal of the vote from the population is an arresting one.

Upthread I mentioned that this thread deserved hundreds of comments because of that very danger.

We may only get a few more comments on this thread, but I will say that it merits not hundreds, but thousands.


For years now, the New Mexico Secretary of State’s office has posted information on the candidates running for office, which includes how to contact them – phone, emails, addresses. Ideally, these should be the contacts for their campaigns.

They have long excised the contact info for judicial candidates, for obvious reasons. Now, they are looking into doing the same for candidates for Secretary of State and even County Clerk.


They may have lost the battle, but they’ve won the war. The guerilla war, that is, that’s gone on for over 150 years and is flaring up hot again.


I think the GOP, once the majority is regained, will be uninterested in ever giving up power. They are clearly uninterested in continuing with representative democracy and majority rule.


I’d say it’s assumed that, at a certain point, all the voting, weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth in the world won’t be able to remove Republicans from office any more, even if they can’t win elections. They’ve build the tree house. Now they’re climbing in and hoping they can pull up the ladder.


Except, given the general intelligence level of the MAGA troops, I’d say it’s verging on a gorilla war. Actually, scratch that – I think gorillas are much nicer and brighter than most of these specimens. Just imagine giving someone who’s just observing for the state a box of things to taunt them about going to jail. What a nice crowd.


Why should they care about regulatory power? Put some stooge in charge of a Potemkin agency, make sure the plutocrats get their vig (especially tfg, who’s pissed Putin is the world’s richest man), and let Congress ban abortion. Putin, if he’s still in power, will look on with envy.

I can’t tell is s/he’s being snarky OR if s/he is a Susan Sarandon Democrat.

Let’s hear it for the dialectic, Susan.

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I am glad you clarified. I feared you were a Susan Sarandon devotee; she said Trump and HRC were equal. Don’t vote because IF Trump were elected it would clear out the sclerotic veins of democracy.

I have not watched another movie of hers since.

Funny that.

In the future, /s is helpful to those of us who lack the irony gene.


So, it’s time for a second reconstruction.


HAS Susan Sarandon made any political statements since the 2016 election?


We have three chainsaws, all Stihl, ever hear of the Sahara forest?

That one is a great joke!

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I agree that we have them. But we haven’t used them for decades, so I’m not sure anyone is quaking in their boots at the prospect.

I think it means California can secede.


This ^^^

I have always wondered, and often said, that I can’t believe how we as a nation time and again allow the states which enact policies leading to the absolute worst outcomes on nearly any issue set the agenda for federal policy.

The answer is Republicans, of course, but it still stuns me.

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