Back in 2012, an elections official in California witnessed an Election Day skirmish between two candidates at a polling place.
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Back in 2012, an elections official in California witnessed an Election Day skirmish between two candidates at a polling place.
Anyone found guilty of election day threats will be placed in a cell with Donnie for 48 hours.
Lock the bad guys up…
With consecutive co-sentences to be served with the various offenders in jurisdictions across the country.
I will be getting a mail-in ballot which I will fill out at home after due consideration. Then I will take it to our county recorder’s office before election day. Done and done.
How will you get around the constitutional prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment?
Can we rely on the police to do their jobs if they think they can unduly influence the outcome through intimidation and bullying? Not all police, but there could be some.
In Washington state we have drop boxes for mail in ballots. No polling stations.
[C]rimes, misdemeanors, and felonies that can be committed by Rethugliklans at a polling place, but are not necessarily in the penal code. It was a way for law enforcement to quickly get up to speed on an area that they might not necessarily know a lot about.
Given the Orange One’s apparent odor, wasn’t the gas chamber outlawed years ago?
OK, we’re fucked.
No, no, not really (necessarily). I think there are too many fascist friendly in the ranks, but I suspect that working with police under the circumstances would be better than not. Hopefully, that optimistic view will not be ground under a jackboot.
For the primary i turned in my ballot 2 weeks ago. Even though I’m signed up for text alerts to track the status of my ballot, I hadn’t heard anything after over a week so I emailed to ask. At that point I got a text that they got the ballot but the date they gave was the date on which I emailed. This did not give me warm and fuzzy feelings. What if I hadn’t emailed? Have you turned in your primary ballot? Have you heard from them? I turned mine in at the office by the gaslight on Broadway. Other Tucsonans what have you experienced this cycle?
Orban secured control of the Hungarian parliament in 2014, and set the game plan for the right in Brexit and Trump in 2016.
Today Trump and Orban meet openly with Orban using the diplomatic pouch for coms from Putin. It’s out in the open.
“to get out ahead of expected threats”
Don’t be credulous. That’s what they’ll say in places like TX and FL, but the police there will be working to suppress votes and assist corrupt red election officials in making sure their KKKristofascist God-King is elected.
The shirts will be blue this time.
PoPo looked serious in that pic.
Be prepared. That’s how we win November.
We know the fascist playbook. We can cut them off at the pass.
There will be a rising tide of rage-mongering and acting out from the death-eaters as Trump turns up the heat. Come November the hysteria crescendos and collapses.
Have a plan and stay alert.
I’d be real careful about confidence that someone won’t try to impact the drop boxes in some way.