Election Departments Partner With Local Police To Get Out Ahead Of Expected 2024 Threats

You kidding me? That’s an OPPORTUNITY. Just sayin…


The first election was a presidential preference election by party . Our actual Arizona primsry will be July 30th. I took my ballot to the Recorder’s office here in Tucson. I don’t trust the mail to get it right.


Pretty sure SCOTUS is on record saying the constitution doesn’t apply to Agent Orange.


Yes, but what of those who’re forced to endure his company?


Hostages? They can put out an album.


Given the propensity of Democrats to vote by mail and Republicans to vote on election day this could be another GOP led endeavor that backfires.

Still wrong.


Our system in Colorado is more efficient. We put our primary ballots in a drop box around noon, got an email at 7:30 that night confirming receipt and another email at 8:00 the next morning saying our votes had been counted.


I was a poll watcher in 2016, and the kooks were starting to come out. One of the election workers told me that he was getting wierd, off the wall, questions from a number of those people we now call MAGATs.
There were a couple compensator trucks that circled the parking lot a couple times before driving off. Don’t know what the hell they thought they would see, but I doubt they actually thought very much.


I will be doing that as well, but my wife and I have signed up to be election judges in Maryland, so we will be on the front lines. We start training soon.


I don’t believe Trump-friendly officers will be a problem. Political violence is still violence and should be punished regardless - and those officers will have marching orders to perform (half-assed is better than not being there).

MAGAts know this will all be on video. Either they go full klan or back off.


The reason I use a mail-in ballot is two fold. First the place where I had voted since 1980 no longer exists. It was the social hall of a church. But the church and social hall are soon to be torn down. The other reason is with a mail-in ballot I have time to consider parts of the ballot beyond voting for politicians. We elect judges and there are state wide and local propositions to read up on and consider. I don’t want to vote by snap judgement. Voting is serious business to me and I want this ballot to be right.
My decisions on president, Senator and my House member are finalized.


If there are any here who would like to volunteer to be a poll worker in Pima County AZ, you can sign up here:


I just did. Those MAGAT morons don’t scare me.


Some Trumpies are likely to consider that a reward.


I can see it now - couple of yahoos throwing a chain around the dropbox, or through the slot, and hooking it up to their pick-em-up truck. Good times! Take that, libtards! One trusts that all dropbox locations have a camera or two aimed at them. Newest form of hostage-taking, perhaps.


That’s cruel and unusual punishment!

@bcgister meet me to it.


Agree, if for no other reason than that the ubiquity of cell phone and their video apps makes it pretty certain whatever goes down will be recorded.


Notwithstanding her enthusiasm, I don’t think she’s 45/91’s type.


So, that’s all very useful and all that, but it would be at least as beneficial (I would say, much more so) for local election officials to partner up with the FBI, DHS, and Federal cybersecurity people to make sure that the local vote counts are securely protected from hacker corruption. Putin understands that his dreams of European conquest, probably his regime, and possibly his life, all depend on the results of our elections - if the GOP takes any of the White House , Senate, or House, Ukraine aid is halted and Russia wins; if the Democrats control all three, financial and military aid to Ukraine begins again, is likely larger, Russia loses, and Putin’s regime and possibly his life are endangered. He’s going o throw everything he has at corrupting our election, and he has a lot to throw. We damned well better be ready; there’s a lot more at stake than just fisticuffs and MAGA intimidation of would-be voters.


In the run up to the 2016 election, NPR found some asshole in a diner that could very well have been this woman. “He can grab me anywhere he wants,” she said. I hoped in vain that the interviewer would ask, “You wanting him to do it to you doesn’t make it OK for him to do it to any woman he wants to, does it?” But NPR, so waddya gonna do.


Don’t give them ideas.

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