Eastman Reiterates Support For Full Insurrection

In an interview released on Thursday, John Eastman restated that he’s an unreconstructed believer that the 2020 election was stolen by the left.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1465396
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Keep pushing, keep being outrageous, ramp up the rage. What could go wrong?



Drank the Kool-Ade, going to jail.


Just wow…

And how do we know this is complete and utter BS? This quote:

Eastman said in the interview that his own actions and statements during the run-up to January 6 had been mischaracterized, and at one point claimed that Trump himself read a series of academic law review articles about the Electoral Count Act to brush up on the relevant law.

Everyone knows Trump doesn’t read much of anything, let alone “a series of academic law review articles” – If this all wasn’t so serious, this would be an hilarious statement. Alas…


Thank you Mr Eastman for giving Special Counsel Jack Smith potentially new evidence to use against you


Eastman has not been charged with a crime – YET.

The thought of TFG reading ANYTHING more voluminous than the McDonad’s menu is beyond laughable.


Chairman of the Claremont Institute’s Board of Directors Tom Klingenstein conducted the interview, which was released in three parts, the last of which was published on Thursday.

Klingenstein asked Eastman whether he would have acted in the same way in 1960 as he did in 2020, referencing the belief on the right that John F. Kennedy stole that year’s election from Richard Nixon.

Eastman replied no, and added that the stakes of 2020 represented an “existential threat to the very survivability, not just of our nation, but of the example that our nation, properly understood, provides to the world.”



It seems Eastman would prefer to be charged with Seditious Conspiracy rather than just Conspiracy.


The one true existential threat that we are all facing is climate change, idiot. Can I take this guy for a long hike in Arizona next week?


When does Mr Eastman get disbarred? The last thing I can find about it is from late June.


I told a few compadres, after the Canadian revolts ended, the ringleaders didn’t stick around for the Crown to get em. They fled to America and stayed there, until granted amensty; same for Riel.

This lot (Eastman, Rudy, etc.), sheesh.


When people like Eastman talk about the “threat from the left” to our “core values,” keep in mind that the “abuse” he responded to by trying to overthrow our government was Trump losing the election.

Our core values have never included “Trump wins all elections he runs in,” or, let’s be honest, “Only Republicans get to be President.” Threat from the left, my ass.


his lawyer said last month that he planned to send a letter to state and federal officials investigating Jan. 6 explaining that Eastman committed no crimes.

oooooooh oh no
oh baby what is you doin’

You have the worst fucking attorneys.


“There’s actually a provision in the Declaration of Independence…"

The Declaration of Independence is a powerful break-up letter with King George well over a year into an already ongoing rebellion but it is not U.S. law and is not legally binding .


Eastman’s a hot-shot lawyer, eh? Big “conservative” legal brain, supposedly. He probably got an A in the class in law school on Always confess your crimes on video and make sure the video is on the internet right away.

I hear that not too many people do well in that class.


Liars often have ‘tells’ that signal to those in the know that a liar is lying. Here’s a big one by Eastman.

“Eastman said in the interview that his own actions and statements during the run-up to January 6 had been mischaracterized, and at one point claimed that Trump himself read a series of academic law review articles about the Electoral Count Act to brush up on the relevant law.”

Everyone knows that Trump would NEVER have the patience or interest in actually reading an academic law review article.


THEIR is the key word. They believe they are the only ones who matter - they are the chosen ones (due to religion/superiority based on something or other) and anyone who is not part of the chosen is less valuable, therefore your vote does not matter as much.

They believe they are superior.


Eastman was out in the streets protesting racial integration the day they covered that point in law school.


A terrible mind is a thing! And it must be stopped in our lifetime.

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