Two California men have been indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly plotting to attack the Democratic Party headquarters in Sacramento, part of what prosecutors say was a plan to inspire a “movement” among “patriots” following the 2020 election.
Officers raided Rogers’ home and business on Jan. 17, finding five fully assembled pipe bombs, dozens of firearms including three machine guns, and thousands of rounds of ammunition — and something claiming to be a “White Privilege Card.”
It makes you wonder how many more of these types are out there, just waiting for the signal that makes them decide it’s the day to put their violent plans into motion. There will come a day when the “patriot movement” decides to move, and it will be an ugly day, hopefully mostly for them. The fear is that there are enough of them to cause real damage, or to encourage people who are friendly towards them to decide to fight as well.
I’m not sure how this is headed off either, it seems like we’re on course for it to happen sometime this decade. Jan 6th was just the prelude to the main event.
“There is no evidence whatsoever that any preparatory actions were taken,” the attorney continued. “It was all intoxicated speech. Mr. Rogers has been collecting firearms for many years. They were not accumulated to promote any perceived plot. The pipe bombs were made long before the election strife with rudimentary materials like ammunition reload powder that Mr Rogers had on hand, with the intent to set them off on camping trips, blowing up tree stumps and the like. All were kept in a thick gun safe in his shop that kept them secure from accident.”
HAHAHA. Does this crank lawyer work for the kraken?
So these guys were drunk for months, building illegal explosives (what fun!), chatting with Boogaloos, collecting armor and weapons, and all the while discussing which building to light on fire, shoot up, and then explode with pipebombs… and when caught communicated with other terrorists to destroy evidence and this lawyer seriously presented this all as some sort of cute misunderstanding?
Always nice to read about the - my client is a heavily armed, angry, alcoholic defense. My client is a responsible machine gun and bomb owner because he keeps them in a safe.
I love camping - nothing quite like communing in nature with pipe bombs.
It was at this point, the plan escalated to a more sophisticated form. Law enforcement found the core materials ready to be assembled into a master weapon.