‘Dumb Son Of A Bitch’: Trump Continues Bashing McConnell For Insufficient Loyalty | Talking Points Memo

Why is TPM giving him the attention he craves?

Because it’s an ongoing and rackety feud between the former president and the most important member of his putative party in Congress.




True…McConnell is a stone cold loser but he was the only thing that has kept Trump’s fat ass from a federal lockup for the time being…

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Sen. Cronyn seems to miss those proud sassy Trump years …

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I think we will have to wait till after the midterms to evaluate T****'s political relevance. If he can appear to deliver votes to republican candidates he will remain relevant. I am in the basket that says he cannot and has not delivered votes when he is not on the ballot. I do not think the MAGAts will stick with the whole voting thing. I fear they may.


‘Dumb Son Of A Bitch’

Well I have to agree with Trump on this one. The k9 ancestry of Mitch is hard to refute.

…and lives in a state of perpetual dissatisfaction with everything.

I really wouldn’t want to live in his head.

People commenting with ire on why TPM keeps this alive are forgetting forum members who kept the ‘Why Hilary Lost’ debate alive for over a year.

6 more months of 45* arguments? You don’t even have to break a sweat.

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Sure, I mean, most of my expressed opinions are hunches I’m drawing from a lot of sources; obviously none of us know for a fact how relevant he is or will be. Me, I think it’s been years, maybe decades since he was capable of anything like work as most people understand it. I don’t think he’ll campaign for GOP candidates in any way we’ve seen before. He might try to boost the chances of people primarying his perceived antagonists. But if he really wanted to be relevant, to be influential, there are things he’d be doing right now and I don’t see him doing those things. He just turned off a whole roomful of donors. Real movers and shakers would have known how to play that. Trump doesn’t and never did.


If he can keep his physical health together enough to totter on stage he’ll be selling his endorsements to whoever is willing to pony up $ for his to shuffle to the podium, say
“____is a helluva guy!” give a thumbs up and his smug, grating smile and then be hustled off.

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These are very comforting words and true, in my mind. My fears have their own (il)logic and so I will wait and see. It doesn’t hurt our side if we are strongly motivated to get out and do the work.

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I saw a pretty good piece the other day on why this idea that you can starve the beast of oxygen isn’t actually valid. I forget how the argument went but it’s generally pretty futile to lecture a crowd about Monsanto or shark-hunting or ignoring Trump of whatever your concern is.

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Plenty of people are doing that year in and year out. I think about them every time somebody complains that the feckless Dems won’t FIGHT. Those people making phone calls and sending out flyers, knocking on doors in years when that’s a thing, those are the ones who are really fighting. I remember helping to set up a campaign office the next year, in 2017. Nobody said a word about the former guy the whole afternoon. It was more like “Hey, how’ve you been?” and “Where do you think this desk should go?” It’s fun to talk here. But that’s the stuff that wins elections.


Yea, even tr**p speaks the truth sometimes, I have to admit.

OT but I am very much enjoying T**** as a signifier for the MoFo. I remember Vonnegut’s revelation that * is a picture of an asshole.

The only major funding pipeline remaining for trump is the GOP. He can use his ‘leadership PAC’ funds for almost anything, so it’s in trump’s best interest to keep stoking the passions of his MAGAts in order to keep the funds flowing.

To do this, trump needs enemies - and his penchant for revenge has painted a bullseye on the members of the GOP that trump considers less than fully devoted to all things trump.

Ironically, the GOP continues to pander to trump because they need his MAGAts and their money - but they’re naive to believe trump would willingly part with so much as a single penny unless he can get it quickly returned and at a profit.

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Nice opinion by James Downie in today’s WAPO that speaks to the ramifications of T**** bashing poor ol’ Moscow …

Even when Trump’s Saturday address wasn’t the topic, the former president was still tripping up Republicans. Back on “Fox News Sunday,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ® was ready to blast the Biden administration over cases of child sexual abuse at a migrant shelter in San Antonio. There was just one problem: As host Chris Wallace pointed out, “There were thousands of complaints of sexual abuse at migrant shelters during the Trump years … but we couldn’t find one instance of you complaining and calling that out when President Trump was president.”

Even if Trump doesn’t run in 2024, though, Republicans can’t get rid of him for two other reasons. First, as my colleague Greg Sargent pointed out, one of the party’s biggest causes at the moment — voting restrictions — is inextricably tied to the former president’s lies about the 2020 election. The nationwide campaign to limit voting rights and the resulting fights with various corporations and sports leagues all stem from lawmakers’ acceptance (sometimes tacit, sometimes not) of Trump and his allies’ campaign to undermine the results.

Second, Trump has the money. GOP small donors remain big fans of the president, with the New York Times reporting that Trump has more cash on hand than the Republican National Committee. The RNC donor summit that Trump spoke to was confirmation of his outsized role: Not only was the bulk of the two-day event held at a Palm Beach hotel, less than five miles from Mar-a-Lago, but instead of Trump coming to the donors Saturday night, the RNC bused all the attendees to Trump’s club. One would hardly have been surprised if each bus seat came with a ring to kiss.

Historically, when one party takes over the White House and Congress, the minority party does well in the following midterm elections. But as Sunday showed, this cycle the minority party has a ball and chain on its ankle, in the form of Trump. With a drag that big, don’t be surprised if the GOP snatches defeat from the jaws of victory.

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I see that as insurance by another name. With any kind of risk mgmt, there has to be money with which to pay for defense of lawsuits and to pay claims when required. There’s no profit accruing to an insurance co, but the mechanism is essentially the same. Modern insurance evolved from risk sharing in maritime commerce: Put money in a pool to help the shipper who lost a cargo.

He is a “Clever Son of a Bitch”.

Trump always accuses people he dislikes for being “stupid” even though all of them are clearly much smarter that he is.

But it takes an SOB to know an SOB.

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