Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth (D) confirmed Thursday that she has been interviewed by Joe Biden’s team as a potential vice presidential pick on the Democratic ticket.
All the short listed Biden VP are way better than Fake Christian Pence who kisses his fat ass and sells his soul to the “Fire Devil” (per Der Spiegel) who sets his country on fire and plays fireman!
I like her, but if she’s chosen, that will open a Senate seat for challenge and require the DSCC to spend money defending it. If he’s going to go with a sitting Senator, I think Harris would be a less dangerous choice in terms of flipping the Senate
You bet. I plan to do in person early voting to make sure my vote gets counted, even if that means risking my life. The very survival of our democracy is at stake.
On the VP pick I can’t see why in the world we would go with anyone besides Harris.
I think the Biden campaign is just trying to maintain interest and excitement around the VP candidate pick. I would be shocked if Sen. Harris isn’t already measuring the drapes for the VP’s office.
If I had my druthers I would pick Susan Rice for VP and than appoint Kamala Harris as AG because I don’t think Harris would have any problem going after Barr and putting his corrupt carcass in jail. Plus, I think the governor of California would appoint a Dem to fill her term.
Harris: VP
Duckworth: SecDef
Schiff: Attorney General
Rice: Secretary of State
Warren: Treasury Secretary
Abrams:Secretary of Labor
Bottoms: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Deming: Secretary of Homeland Security