Duckworth Confirms She Was Interviewed For Biden VP Slot | Talking Points Memo

Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth (D) confirmed Thursday that she has been interviewed by Joe Biden’s team as a potential vice presidential pick on the Democratic ticket.

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I hope this story doesn’t mean she is out of the running. She would make a really solid choice.


Full on press to try to make doubt about the Harris pick.

Trying to eke out a little bit of surprise… or relief when he does.


I think the rule is you don’t actively run or comment if you are seriously in the running.

ETA: My guess is she was interviewed and she is in consideration for SevDef. Or VA.

I also guess she was asked, to take this interview and give the VP answer…


Any one of them
All qualified and then some
I’m ready to crawl through the desert over broken glass to vote


Of course she would be on the list and vetted as a potential VP nominee. No surprise there.


I really hate that Chris Dodd is part of the VP selection.


Duckworth checks a lot of my boxes, for what that’s worth.


All the short listed Biden VP are way better than Fake Christian Pence who kisses his fat ass and sells his soul to the “Fire Devil” (per Der Spiegel) who sets his country on fire and plays fireman!


While I’d be thrilled with a Duckworth VP slot, I also think she would make a kickass SecDef given her military and public service.

Any of the potential VP candidates are fine with me.


I like her, but if she’s chosen, that will open a Senate seat for challenge and require the DSCC to spend money defending it. If he’s going to go with a sitting Senator, I think Harris would be a less dangerous choice in terms of flipping the Senate


That’s right. Not good to staff up an administration by taking too many good people away from the Senate.


You bet. I plan to do in person early voting to make sure my vote gets counted, even if that means risking my life. The very survival of our democracy is at stake.

On the VP pick I can’t see why in the world we would go with anyone besides Harris.


To watch her shred Mike Pence will be a thing of joy


My fear is that he will balk at the lack of surprise of a Harris pick. He’s old school like that (and so is Dodd).

Obama is a fine counsel. I expect he would find Joe of the disasters the last two surprise VP picks were (Palin,Kaine).

I think the Biden campaign is just trying to maintain interest and excitement around the VP candidate pick. I would be shocked if Sen. Harris isn’t already measuring the drapes for the VP’s office. :slight_smile:

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As an Illinois resident, I would say Duckworth (or a Democrat successor) has a pretty safe Senate seat.


If I had my druthers I would pick Susan Rice for VP and than appoint Kamala Harris as AG because I don’t think Harris would have any problem going after Barr and putting his corrupt carcass in jail. Plus, I think the governor of California would appoint a Dem to fill her term.


If Biden never explicitly limited his selection to women and implicitly a woman of color…

Which of the current VP contenders would have made the list?

Harris, Duckworth, with mentions but not serious consideration of Warren (read, Joe’s not looking to fight big banks for election).

Rice is great but she’s never held elected office and the presidency is inherently a political job.

Dream Slate?

Harris: VP
Duckworth: SecDef
Schiff: Attorney General
Rice: Secretary of State
Warren: Treasury Secretary
Abrams:Secretary of Labor
Bottoms: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Deming: Secretary of Homeland Security

Open to revisions…