It’s all part of the game…
Harris, Schiff and Rice is too Cali heavy…
Schiff takes Harris, Senate seat, and seat on Judiciary committee
AG will be a lower key name (or Mueller, haha) if they are going after trump misdeeds. Schiff and others were too close to the political side of that.
I love Warren for Treasury but Biden has shit to do and the big business headwinds that picking warren would elicit, Biden won’t want to have to deal with. Krugman?
I don’t think this story has any legs.
Illinois is pretty hard core blue now.
I guess this means she’s out of the running. Too bad I liked her. I have my fingers crossed that Rice gets the VP Nod, I really like her.
Not cool man…
If you are looking to make puns make some Fowl jokes about Her last name…
Joe is picking the 2024 nominee. He’s not going to pick someone who’s never run for anything.
I agree, but I think that is a problem. Joe is demonstrating a dependence on old school politics that bodes ill for both the election, and his administration. If Trump wasn’t such an unmitigated disaster, Joe would be in deep trouble right now, because he’s not shown the necessary flexibility to win elections in the 21st century.
I wondered about that. She’s not up for reelection this cycle…does the governor get to appoint someone to fill her term, or does he have to call a special election? Who would be her likely replacement? Opponent?
My money is on Val Demmings.
Can’t attack her on the BLM/“Law and Order” issue (2007 to 2011, she was Chief of the Orlando Police Department and had a 27-year career as a Police Officer) can’t attack her on the race issue (duh!) has government experience (Congresswoman since 2017), under the age of 70, Black, Woman, razor sharp intellect, would eat Mike Pence alive in any debate, and, most importantly, would help drag FLORIDA across the line for Biden in the elections.
If Biden wins Florida, he becomes the 46th President.
Trump and his various henchmen scattered throughout the government, the Judiciary and Red State Governors are shutting down the count in the wee hours of 11/4, so Biden better hope he has the votes before that happens.
So I guess you wouldn’t like Belle Barth.
Any high position in the White House is a political job. The edge she has over all of them is that she has the experience to pick up the reins of the Presidency at a moment’s notice. However, if you want to prep the VP to run in 2024? Harris is still my first choice but they all are good candidates.
She is a fine addition to his administration. Not VP.
I think given Joe’s age it’s important to be confident that the #2 can be ready day 2 of the presidency, should they be called upon.
Harris, Duckworth and warren are the list. (And Warren isn’t on the list)
Rice is a contender, but she’s never run for office, dems are pretty risk averse
With an experienced, competent staff, Cabinet and Congressional leadership behind them I think an intelligent person with worldly wisdom and experience can step in and run things should Biden pass. Demmings would be an improvement on Trump by infinite magnitudes.
Ridiculous unsupportable blanket statements. There is no need to announce VP yet, there’s no reason not to milk it and there’s no reason not to save it as a bomb to drop on Trump when wresting control of the news cycle from him would be opportune.
Right wing media is riding that line of nonsense pretty hard right now so they can make the election about whoever he picks. If its Duckworth, you can be sure they will tie it in to their false narrative about Biden being China’s best buddy.
Yes, I know she’s not Chinese, but that’s part of the point obviously. The KKKult doesn’t know the difference.
I’d agree with a lot of those but i’m not sure any of the sitting senators would want to exchange a Senate seat for a cabinet post that usually lasts 4 years or fewer. Warren, in particular, is probably more influential crafting policy in the Senate. I often think Hillary should have stayed a Senator–which was already a historic achievement for a First Lady. Think of “poor” Jeff Sessions who gave up a safe Senate seat to be Trump’s chew toy.
I’d say it’s worth a duck.
…I’ll show myself out.
I’ve always wanted our version of Reagan-Bush (a heavyweight ticket) or something analogous to Kennedy-Johnson. Biden-Harris would be such a ticket imho. The two best reasons to pick Harris: 1. North Carolina, & 2. the Latino vote. NC has what many regard as the tipping point Senate race. Harris ensures a max black turnout and a strong anti-Trump messenger to drive the vote in the suburban areas that we’ll need to offset Trump’s large pool of WWC voters. Latinos are Dem leaners but they need to feel connected to the ticket to give Dems the margins that would flip FL, TX and turn AZ into a blowout win. Harris is known and trusted by Latinos, especially working class Latinos.