Donald Trump Personally Thanks John Roberts For Keeping Him Out Of Jail: 'I Won't Forget It'

Hell we’ve never seen Trump’s tax returns, and we’ll never get a shot at Elon’s.


Investors having a hard time deciding what to do?


I turned the sound on for her speech. It was excellent. (Another smart woman pol from Michigan!)


Fox News is the largest provider of TV news in the country. Their ratings lead on everyone else is almost criminal. An identical dynamic holds in radio news and talk radio. The public is fed a decidedly slanted hard right take on the economy, politics and social issues.
All across Fox’s programming it is now being blasted that the coming downturn in the economy is Biden’s fault. Trump inherited a bad hand. The public will eat this up, as they do everything else. Many on the Left think Trump has misplayed his hand, and the resulting economic suffering will damage him with the electorate. I think he has a cushion, some leeway, provided by the media and their training of their audience to believe what they’re told. The shit might hit the fan, soon, but it’ll be Biden’s fault. Believing otherwise means you’re betraying your tribe. And Trump has a big enough tribe to get away with his bullshit.


Yeah, you got it right, one Democrat (Rep Green) with conviction and guts, the rest, all cowards. Plus Schummer wouldn’t even defend Green (said we should organize). I’m sure Jeffries agrees.

No guts, no message. That’s todays Democratic Party.


Yep…Mango made several statements that put the lie to shit that was represented in Court, both in pleadings and straight to judges’ faces. Dunno if that’s a pleading from him and his group, but Norm Eisen’s been sounding off about it.


The levels of blatant, knowing dishonesty are just so utterly absurd. …

"KERNEN: How much inflation pain are we gonna be willing to take if China hits us right back w/tariffs

LUTNICK: Inflation comes from govt printing more money

K: You don’t think it comes from tariffs?

L: Tariffs do not, do not, do not create inflation! This concept is just ppl whining& complaining"

MAGAt KKKult KKKlergy: “If you raise taxes on businesses and increase their costs, they just pass the cost to consumers and it causes inflation.”

Also MAGAt KKKult KKKlergy: “If you tariff goods/supply chains and thereby raise businesses’ costs, argle bargle white power white power no inflation.”


I swear DonOLD gets up every morning and uses one these

to figure out what he’ll mess up today.


Market opened with some selective profit taking, a very minor rally. But now it’s in the red, and will settle there for the day. Probably another multi-hundred point drop.


I’m thinking that an undersecretary of defense could order an inquiry to solve the mystery of who invaded Ukraine. I know I’m curious to know the answer.


How many Republicans watched the first 45 minutes, got sleepy, and went to bed?


His Greenland fixation may become worrisome. He actually said “One way or the other, we’re taking Greenland”. In any international declaration of intentions “One way or the other” has only one meaning.


It is exceedingly worrisome to me that no one knows what Trump wants for the tariffs. What do Canada and Mexico have to do to buy him off? Get the sense even the leaders of Canada and Mexico can’t figure that one out. And the answer, whatever it is, is different in each case.


He started off by looking at the Rethug side of the Chamber and saying this is OUR government, yes it is. That pretty much summed up the entire performance. They do not want to hear from Rep Greene, or any of their constituents who are appalled by the wrecking crew that the GOP has become.
The will run away from Town Halls and chant meaningless cult chants to drown out any dissension. They will take away the Constitutionally guaranteed right of people to “peaceably assemble to redress grievances” by cutting off money to any school that does not prevent demonstrations. It is government by, for and totally aimed at MAGA and the idiots who think they will benefit by tearing the government down.
Anyone in this country who still does not see the Dictatorial movement of this bunch of traitors ( and I consider the entire GOP traitorous at this point, taking their intent to destroy the government and the country, and their alliance with Putin) is a damn fool, a dangerous fool, and unworthy of citizenship in America.
Our immigrants are more intelligent about what this country stands (stood) for than the moronic home grown MAGAts who are operating on hatred and massive ignorance.


Maybe things ain’t so good for Jared and Donnie:


Most Democrats did follow decorum.
(from AP)


C’est vrai.


Again, as during the first Trump term, it’s a leaky organization. It is also full of hubris.

‘Of course I’m worried’: Trump advisers panicked president has gone too far - Raw Story


What, exactly, are they “whining and complaining” about?
Some secret identification with foreign governments, perhaps?