Donald Trump Personally Thanks John Roberts For Keeping Him Out Of Jail: 'I Won't Forget It'

Take it easy. He’s just the titular head. No real “power.”

No really!


His point being “My attention span is incredibly short except when I am thinking about people who have not given me the appropriate respect. I’ll be back on this tarriff thing in a day or two… we’ll let things ride until we seem to have reached a point where people can plan their budgets, and then we’ll f with it again.”


The nation has always had a fascination and affinity for murdering thieves. How many of you watching a bank heist movie are rooting for the cops to discover the thieves in the safe deposit box vault and haul them off to jail? Or do you breathlessly hope they button things up and escape through the back door before the jig is up? There are people right now that hope should Trump actually visit Ft. Knox he somehow makes off with all the gold.

“Just days after Malaska arrived at the FAA, the fate of Verizon’s contract is up in the air as the agency considers whether to cede part of it to SpaceX,” the publication writes. “The talks are fluid, and much remains unclear, including the size of any payments SpaceX could receive. Musk’s team is moving so fast that Verizon executives are still trying to understand what’s happening inside the FAA and whether it would affect their business.”

There are also major concerns about conflicts of interest as it appears Musk is using his influence as a White House official to award his own companies government contracts.


Yes, you can get Elder at supermarkets. I only had Younger once (you sort of have to be a more dedicated Cicerone than I to catch its limited release).


Trump is doing more damage by teasing with tariffs than if he were to set them and stick to them. Because the uncertainty, will make foreign producers and importers to raise their margins hedging that the tariffs might be set, and manufacturers thinking about producing in the US will hold investment as they aren’t sure if tariff will stick. So we will get all the downsides of tariffs, without any of the benefits.


True, but OTOH, he got 4 SC justices to state that federal courts shouldn’t be enforcing congressional spending AND to insult the federal judge who made that ruling.


Somewhat OT. My congress member AOC stayed away but was on Bluesky during the speech and had a Instagram chat afterwards. Smart move to engage constituents instead of being cast into the fray.


I was going to watch, with the sound off, but the moment he entered I shut my laptop down. Couldn’t bear to watch the dotard spew lie after lie after lie while they cheer him on like this is normal. It’s not normal.


And he’ll blame Biden anyway. HIs cultists will swallow that whole.


Reading this kinda freaked me out a bit…

If you use the Social Security website, which at some point you probably will, you may need to be aware of this new clause in their TOS. You might also want to alert your state AG (hopefully a Democrat) or someone who can do something and/or who gives a shit about how our information is being handled. This would seem to me to be unacceptable. The site is either secure or its not. Which is it? And who made it unsecured? I think we all know that answer to that one.


BINGO! We have a winnah!

(And second choice would be a Sovereign Wealth investment vehicle run by JK. He’s family. Sort of like Fredo.)


I’d really like to see ethics legislation proposed that Musk has to divest himself of all contracts with the US government immediately. This is classic self-dealing and the more attention we draw to it, the more blame DOGE will get when things truly hit the fan.


So when did Trump and Musk divest themselves of their assets into a blind trust?


This made me feel better about things this morning


A big poop needs a big scoop.


He revels in it. If corruption were a fluid, he would bathe in it.


Why would he pretend? He’s f*cking proud of it!


He thanked Roberts for keeping him out of jail. Got to admit, that is high level snark. That is going to burn Roberts for a long time.


This was really excellent, and 1/10th as long as the Buffoon in Chief’s narcissistic, sociopathic rant of lies. Yes, we need to engage! The time to cringe is over. Thank you, Senator Slotkin!


A bit OT but an Ash Wednesday photo I shot while working at my newspaper. With the way things are going right now, this kid needs some sort of divine intervention.


What happened. An accidental fire or sabotage?