Donald Trump Bear Hugs Sam Alito At Height Of Flag Flap

For me that whole situation about the Weiner emails showed that Comey never had ‘functional’ control of the NY office of the FBI. It was reported at the time that they ‘let it be known’ that they would leak the info themselves if Comey did not do the FULL disclosure he stupidly agreed to do in the first place.


I think conceding in advance is a losing strategy. The fascist’s fight just to fight. How about if Dems fight with everything at our disposal. Voters on the fence like fighters. The base likes fighters. If we’re going down let’s go down swinging. Make them wave and own their corrupt, fascist flag.


And, doesn’t that read like one of his opinions?


OT: gift article

Some might be interested in this article, particularly those in California.


I would add “powerhungry and cruel”


All those who say “Communism is evil”, conveniently ignore the working and living conditions of Victorian England at the time Marx wrote the “Communist Manifesto”. And many of it’s short terms demands are now common sense for everyone but the most reactionary billionaires.


New Eruption In Iceland

I was reading about volcanos yesterday, specifically about their affects on global weather patterns, when i found this. It is very interesting! In a nutshell, the volcanic eruption in Tonga in 2022 was not typical of volcanic eruptions that typically cool the planet - because it was under water. That means that it transported 100–150 million tons of water into the upper stratosphere. That water caused a hole in the ozone layer, and also caused a lot of the hotter-then-usual temperatures recently experienced in various regions of our planet. This cause-effect relationship could go on for the rest of the decade!

Tonga’s volcanic eruption could cause unusual weather for the rest of the decade, new study shows

This article has several other links to other studies regarding the Tonga eruption and its very unusual global effects. Well worth the time to peruse.




The city of San Francisco has been flying the Appeal to Heaven flag for about 60 years. They took it down this past weekend.

The city of San Francisco confirmed it had removed the “Appeal to Heaven” flag from outside City Hall over the weekend, just days after it was reported to have been flown outside a conservative Supreme Court justice’s house.

On May 22, the New York Times reported Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew the Pine Tree flag at his New Jersey vacation home last year and described it as “a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the ‘Stop the Steal’ campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms.”

The San Francisco Chronicle reported Wednesday that the Revolutionary War-era flag was taken down after 60 years in the Civic Center Plaza on Saturday.


Too much security. Egg drop or North Korea manure drop or both by drone. My personal preference would be rotting fish.


Are there any fish that would want to go up that river? None would have imprinted that particular river.


What do you choose that word to mean?
C’mon! Be creative!

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Note that he also said their beach house in Jersey where she flew the “Heaven” flag is solely in her name. Evidently he’s only allowed to visit, as they say, “at her pleasure.”


from the linked:

On Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. sent a letter to Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) explaining the provenance of two questionable flags that had flown over Alito’s residences. Both flags — an upside-down American flag and one known as the “Appeal to Heaven” — have been used by Donald Trump-supporting election deniers.

But in this letter, Alito explained that the flags had nothing to do with him. They were flown by his wife. His wife’s flags, he repeatedly insisted, were his wife’s business, and his wife’s business alone.

… Let’s take a closer look.

“My wife and I own our Virginia home jointly,” wrote the conservative 74-year-old George W. Bush appointee. “She therefore has the legal right to use the property as she sees fit, and there were no additional steps that I could have taken to have the flag taken down more promptly.” As for the other flag… at their New Jersey beach house — that home was purchased with his wife’s own money and is “titled in her name.”

… Justice Alito. I applaud your recognition of a woman’s right to oversee her own flags on her own property without the influence or governance of a man.

“My wife’s reasons for flying the flag are not relevant for present purposes,” he wrote.

I’m glad you made this point, Justice Alito. Sometimes women have deeply personal reasons for needing to fly a flag, and those reasons are not our, nor the government’s, business.

“My wife is a private citizen.”

Absolutely! She is a private citizen! Here and now, I stand with Justice Samuel Alito in being horrified that lawmakers would presume to involve themselves in decisions that should be made between a women and her flag-maker.

“My wife is fond of flying flags. I am not.”

This is where Justice Alito is really outdoing himself. He is showing a truly evolved understanding of flag-displaying issues. He acknowledges that he personally would not fly a flag — and that’s fine. Not flying a flag is entirely his business. But Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito recognizes that his personal preferences regarding flags should have no bearing on whether millions of women around the country choose to fly flags.

“My wife is an independently minded private citizen. She makes her own decisions, and I honor her right to do so.”

I will grant you, Alito is getting a little repetitive. He has already made these points elsewhere in his letter. But I would argue that his repetition serves moral and rhetorical purposes. In this sentence, Alito is affirming that Mrs. Alito is legally permitted to fly flags not only because she is an owner of the property on which the flags were flown, but also because she is an independent being who is capable of making her own decisions.

And even when Alito thinks his wife is making bad decisions, he is showing that he still recognizes that those decisions are hers to make. Even when he feels as if those decisions personally affect him … he still understands that it is ultimately not his call, whether to fly a flag. If he were so opposed to flag-flying, maybe he should have been more careful about providing the pole.

Alito concludes with asking that his wife be left alone, to enjoy her vacation home and her flag. “It is a place, away from Washington, where she should be able to relax.”

Bravo, Justice Alito. I am buoyed and heartened by your thoughtful, spirited defense of your wife. You and I have not always seen eye to eye, but I am glad that we have at last found some common ground on issues related to women’s privacy, autonomy, independence and decision-making capabilities vis-à-vis government interference.

I look forward to reading many more of your thoughts regarding women’s rights to obtain flags. And by flags, I mean abortions.


Being the good Catholic that he is, I would expect Alito to be well versed in the concept of sins of omission.


I’m sure Alito was no fan of the 5-4 ruling in Texas vs Johnson. In which flag burning was deemed to be “symbolic speech” protected by the First Amendment. Chances are that he probably threw a fit and had his household raise the flag high in front of his home as a rejoinder. What’s interesting is that justice Stevens wrote the dissenting opinion. Then again it was a far different less ideological and far less tainted by special interests court.


I am just saying that Raskin’s strategy depends of the decency of the conservative justices and of the Republican members of Congress. And there is very little of that there.

You want to appeal to the goodwill of these guys?


Dam removal is often followed by fish colonizing the new territory. See, for example, the Elwha in Washington state. The dams aren’t at the mouth of the river, so there are fish in the river, just not all the way up. Also, animal dispersal is driven by rare events-the oddballs that travel father and explore widely are the ones that establish new populations.


This is the look that Martha Ann gave Sammy when he gently asked her to take down the flag.

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quia sic locutus sum

But that would make John Roberts motto quid me solliciti?

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