DOJ Drops Probes Into 3 Senators | Talking Points Memo

The Justice Department’s investigation into Sen. Richard Burr’s (R-NC) pre-coronavirus stock trading activity continues, despite dropping similar stock sale probes into three other senators.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Jesus. The motherfucking Putinist gangsters aren’t even trying to hide it. They’re making it clear that the rule of law is dead and under authoritarian rules, sycophancy and bribes to Tremendous Leader will get you immunity and maintaining even the barest and most compartmentalized pretense of integrity that causes Tremendous Leader the slightest narcissistic injury will get you indicted.


Loeffler’s dirty. Could it be that DoJ has lumped her in with Feinstein, who, AFAIK, was not managing her stocks directly, in this announcement to confound their cutting Loeffler loose? A kind of “bipartisan” exoneration?


The sad thing is that we’ve reached a space where this is a real possibility.
The only way to check it is through an investigation by this administration’s successor.


Burr will walk away without charges also. They will wait and make enough noise to make it appear something may come of the investigation, but very doubtful. He is a Republican after all. And he’s still a Senator they may need down the road a bit.

I did say that restaurant in Colorado wanted to end up in court. Now they will:

The owners of C&C Coffee and Kitchen, a restaurant in Castle Rock, Colo., that drew widespread attention after it opened its doors on Mother’s Day in defiance of state coronavirus mandates, is reportedly bringing a legal challenge against the state’s governor and various health departments.

According to a local ABC affiliate, an attorney representing the owners, Jesse and April Arellano, filed the suit on their behalf in the Douglas County District Court over the weekend. The lawsuit specifically calls out Gov. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) for indefinitely suspending the restaurant’s license, a move it describes as “unlawful,” the outlet reports.


My first thought exactly. I think it’s a reasonable assumption of a corrupt DOJ.


Look at the pictures. Compare to the picture of the man being held down by an officer’s knee even as he says he can’t breathe - until he dies.
What’s different?

“Today’s clear exoneration by the Department of Justice affirms what Senator Loeffler has said all along—she did nothing wrong,” a spokesperson for Loeffler said in a statement shared with TPM. “This was a politically-motivated attack shamelessly promoted by the fake news media and her political opponents.”

So reporting that a Senator may have done dirty insider trading is “a politically-motivated attack…by fake news media”, but then there was an investigation, and she was cleared so now we want the “fake news media” to know that it wasn’t a fake news story because Loffler has been cleared.
So trust, but verify is only for Russians?


Sure. You accuse them of corruptly protecting friends who’ve done them favors, and they point with spluttering indignation to Feinstein as proof of their angelic purity.


I guess Burr should’ve given the President “a harumph”.


Next administration will be quite busy with much more critical and global issues but one consolation of having charges dismissed by DOJ and not by the court is the possibility of bringing those charges later.


Well, if it was Trump’s DOJ, that investigated Loeffler, does it follow that he doesn’t want her in the Senate? So, if it’s politically motivated, don’t insinuate that it’s somehow Democrats who are behind it.

Feinstein so clearly did not need to be investigated. They only threw her in there with the others so when they cleared the dirty GOPers, they could pretend it was nonpartisan.


Thanks for that. I didn’t dare say that because she’s mine and I’d be accused of something or other that I don’t even want to imagine. But it would probably involve age and gender


The stock her and her husband sold in the low twenties to mid twenties closed at $54.00 yesterday. Today it gave up $4.69 to close at over $49.00. It has over doubled from their sale price:


They will all be “exonerated,” including Burr.

And a non-corrupt and competent DOJ can walk and chew gum at the same time.

However, I suspect there will be a need for a number of special prosecutor appointments to handle all of the Trump/GOP crimes currently not being investigated or prosecuted.


Hell, not even them, these days.


One take on this could be that Burr is not dismissed from the principal’s office because he did not “totally exonerate” the Bloated Traitor during the Senate side of the Russia investigation. Trump feels he got Burred, so Burr is now getting Barred.


And could we just get rid of the notion that “not guilty” = “innocent” and that “closing an investigation” = “exoneration”? These are distinctions that sloppy journalists and crooked Republicans (and Democrats) refuse to acknowledge.